I shiver when I hear your name

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Clichés and awkwardness unite!

Chapter 28 

I shiver when I hear your name I think about you but it's not the same

I won't be satisfied 'til I'm under your skin

~ Shiver - Maroon 5

It was the day of Lily's date and she was going absolutely mad.

"Can I wear this?" Lily asked me showing me a cute green skirt that I adored.

However, it barely touched her knees. "It's February and we are in Scotland," I pointed out.

She threw it on her enormous pile of rejected clothes lying on her bed, and turned back to her closet. "Aaargh," she screamed, hitting her head against her closet door.

I shook my head and started digging through her gigantic pile. I found a cute Muggle jeans, which I threw against Lily's back. "Although I love that red underwear set you're sporting, Lils, please cover it up."

She grabbed the pants and gave me a look. "Shouldn't I wear a dress or a skirt?" she asked, hesitating.

Well, she'd definitely look gorgeous in one of those. "It's February," I simply said again. "Only crazy people walk around with their legs bared."

Lily shrugged. I gently moved her away from her closet and looked around till I found the sweater I had seen her wear two weeks ago. It was a green v-neck that did wonders for her figure. I handed it to her and gave her a kind smile. "Wear that."

"Green? Again? I always wear green," Lily pointed out hesitantly.

"That's because green is your colour, sweetheart. Now go get dressed, before your date decides to find his happiness elsewhere."

Lily sighed and put the pants on. She gave me another doubtful look, before she pulled the sweater over her head. "How do I look?" she asked nervously.

"Beautiful and warm."

Lily giggled at that. "Well, at least he won't think I'm desperate."

I rolled my eyes. "You're not desperate, Lily. No matter what you wear, that's a lie men make up to make themselves feel better."

She grinned devilishly. "Oh, but I kind of am," Lily said, waggling her eyebrows at me.

"Every day," I started slowly, giving her a doubtful look, "I understand more and more why James is in love with you."

She threw a shoe my way. "Potter wouldn't know what love is even if it smacked him on the ass."

"And quite the magnificent ass it is," I said seriously.

Lily nodded, stopped, gave me a narrow-eyed look and then threw the other shoe. I caught it easily and laughed. "Denial," I sang teasingly. Honestly, I knew she wasn't interested in James like that, or well in any way really. Still, it was fun to see her flush a bright red in anger and frustration.

"It's bad enough that the bloody sod himself thinks I'm in denial of my feelings for him, I don't need that crap from you," she said, waving her finger threateningly my way.

I just laughed. "Sure, my lovely Lilyflower," I teased, purposefully using his nickname for her.

"Stop," Lily frowned.

I grinned evilly and pointed to the bathroom. "Hurry up or I'm telling him you said his name in your sleep."

"Remind me why I am friends with you again?" Lily asked me as she dutifully moved to the bathroom, throwing a weird look my way.

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