Blood in the breeze

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Chapter 10

I see fire, blood in the breeze

And I hope that you'll remember me

~I See Fire - Ed Sheeran

"Nika, wake up, sweetheart."

I opened my eyes and yawned. "A little bit longer, daddy," I murmured, hiding my face in the pillow. I was roughly pulled from under my covers and gave a little shriek.

My father's frightened eyes were the first thing I saw. He held his hand in front of my mouth and shook his head. "Hush, Nika." He kissed my forehead and put me down on the ground. "Hide."


"Now, Nika." He gave me a hard shove that made me fall on the ground. I crawled backwards until my back hit the bed and I shivered in fear. What was going on?

I heard thundering footsteps on the stairs and my father's stiff pose told me that this wasn't a joke. I grabbed Andrew, my brown bunny, from the bed and crawled under it.

"Be quiet now, sweetheart," Daddy whispered as he ran over to the window and opened it swiftly. He went back to stand in front of the door just as it banged open.

"You should have taken the opportunity to run, Matthew." The voice was dark and deep, seeming to come straight out of hell itself to haunt me for years to come.

I pulled Andrew closer to my chest and squeezed. Quiet, quiet, quiet. I completely froze when I saw the black robes entering the room. They dragged over my carpet as the man went to stand closer to Daddy.

"You're a fool if you think I'd abandon my family, Antonin." Daddy's voice sounded calm, but it didn't help to chase the shivers away at all.

Quiet, quiet, quiet.

"You're the fool in this room, Matthew. What happened to you? You used to believe in our cause."

"I never believed in your cause," my father swore.

The man laughed at that, causing goose bumps to chase down my arms. I snuggled closer to Andrew. "Oh, now I know you're lying, not that it matters. You're a dead man now, Raven."

"I'd like to see you try, Dolohov."

Next thing I knew flashes lit up the dark space under my bed, green, blue and red. I bit my lip till it bled and hugged Andrew, silently telling him that Daddy would save us. The flashes continued until I heard my Daddy cry out in pain. I heard a heavy thud on my right and when I turned I had to bite on my fist. Daddy lay on the ground next to me with a pool of red surrounding him. He blinked at me and silently told me to stay quiet.

I nodded, because I didn't dare speak.

"Where's your little girl, Matthew?"

"Far away by now," Daddy spat, causing blood to fly everywhere.

I didn't even move when some of it splashed on my face. I was frozen, too afraid to move or speak. I wanted to help Daddy. Where was Mummy? She would save him, right? Right?

The room was silent for a second, before the man cursed. Another flash lit the room and I stared at my father, willing him to move. I vaguely heard the man move around my room and heard the window smash to pieces, before he thundered back downstairs.

Please move, Daddy. Please, please.


I woke with a scream and fought the hands holding me down. "No, get off me. NO!"

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