Gonna love you like I'm indestructable

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Chapter 49

But I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before

I'm gonna love you like I'm indestructible

~ Indestructable - Robyn

Dear Lily,

How have you been? It feels like ages since we last spoke, and that's partially my fault. I must admit that I'm sulking about a certain person - yes, I know, you were right! - and I've been avoiding any and all owls. I've decided to face my problems head on, partially because I'm spending the Summer at the Potters' now and I can't exactly run away from someone I'm living with.

I know that your mouth is probably agape right now and I can't say I blame you. It came as a surprise to me as well, and I can't say why I'm spending the holidays with them now. At least not through owl, but I will tell you face to face when I see you again.

Since I can't stay over like we first agreed, I was wondering if you would fancy going to Diagon Alley with me to buy some supplies for the new school year? I must see you, Lily! It's simply been too long.

I hope to see you soon!



"Have you finished writing your letter, dear?" Mrs. Potter asked me after I'd given it to the family owl and joined her in the dining room.

"Yes, thanks again for letting me use your owl," I said quickly. We'd been busy all day with getting me settled in my room and studying baby photos of James. (He had been such a chubby child. Who would have thought?!)

Mrs. Potter gave me another one of her worried looks; the ones she had been sending me throughout the entire day, the ones I pretended to ignore. "Oh, you're welcome to him anytime."

She took a sip from her tea and was about to tell me something when she saw what I was looking at. It was a recent picture of the Marauders, and my eyes were immediately drawn to one laughing Sirius Black. He looked genuinely happy, and I couldn't be more thrilled to see him like this.

"He's a good lad," Mrs. Potter said just as we were finishing our tea.

"I'm very lucky," I told her with a genuine smile. I knew I was.

Mrs. Potter gave me a broad grin. "We all are," she said with a happy twinkle in her eyes. "So, tell me about this Lily Evans lass. Is she really as beautiful as the goddess of love? Or was that my son's way of telling me he's irrevocably smitten and asking my permission to marry her?"

I burst into laughter. "He's irrevocably smitten, Mrs. Potter, that's for sure. I doubt that he will let your permission determine whether he'll marry her or not. I think even Lily barely has the power to stop him."

Mrs. Potter frowned at that. She seemed to hesitate before asking her next question, but she went ahead after a short pause anyway. "He is behaving himself, right? He's not really... bothering her? Making her feel uncomfortable?"

Now I was the one hesitating. How was I going to tell Mrs. Potter that Lily felt uncomfortable on most days? I decided to tell the truth. "He's getting better."

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