Let it go, let it go

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Chapter 21

Let it go, let it go,

The cold never bothered me anyway.

~ Let It Go - Demi Lovato

It wasn't until late Thursday night that I managed to get to Dumbledore for our weekly therapy session. I was sitting uncomfortably in one of the big chairs in front of his desk as Dumbledore studied me carefully.

"May I ask what has brought this sudden change of mind?" he asked me not unkindly.

I just shrugged as I stared at his desk, now that the decision to talk to a real psychiatrist had been made I didn't much feel like talking to old Dumbles anymore. Better to talk to someone who was bound to secrecy, right?

Not that I thought Dumbledore would gossip to the other professors as soon as I left, but still. Sometimes the old man's eyes saw too much and knowledge was power. He had enough power over me as it was, being my headmaster and the keeper of my biggest secret and all.

If the Dark Lord ever found out that I was indeed alive and that Dumbledore had currently a banshee under his protection, I would be dead before you could say Quidditch.

"I imagine this has something to do with the young Mr Black?"

"Doesn't everything?" I muttered under my breath, not really answering him. I looked up to stare at one of the many portraits in Dumbledore's office. Some headmasters were smiling at me, others frowning. I made a face and turned back to Dumbledore, who was regarding me knowingly.

"I have talked to the Cooper family," he suddenly announced after he won our little staring contest.

Not that you ever could really hold a staring contest with Dumbledore. Like I said, his eyes saw too much and most of the time it felt like he could see right through you anyway. There was absolutely no need to invite him to stare some more, honestly.

I sat up a little straighter, when his words finally made sense to my messed up brain. "What did they say?"

"They are currently in hiding and are very grateful to you, Nika."

I gave him a sharp glance, but knew he wouldn't have told them anything about me, which meant that they were actually really grateful to Dumbledore. I nodded. "It was my pleasure," I said generously.

Dumbledore smiled indulgently at me with that odd twinkle in his eye. "I cannot state how much of importance your visions are, Nika. You're saving lives by doing this."

I nodded. I was aware of that, of course I was, and I imagined that I wouldn't have a clue what to do if I had been on my own with these visions. How do you go about telling someone they would be dead within the week? Besides Dumbledore had been an old friend of the family, had regularly visited our home even when I was little. I think my father had done quite the same thing for him as I did now.

Dumbledore was a powerful friend to have, because when somebody like him told you you were going to die, you ran like mad. It wasn't a secret, after all, that he was the only one old Voldy had ever feared.

"Thank you for passing along the message," I said finally.

Dumbledore just nodded, probably not being able to imagine himself doing anything else with the information. He was a good guy, our Dumbledore.

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