You're quick sand

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I don't know if you guys noticed already, but I changed my name from gracedkelly to kelly-madden. I've decided to use this name for everything from now on! Sorry for the confusion but it's still me. (Same for AO3 and! Although there's no hyphen between Kelly and Madden on those websites. Sadly, kellymadden was already taken on here D:)

Chapter 19

And I'd be smart to walk away,

but you're quick sand.

~Treacherous - Taylor Swift

Potions that day was slow torture. I could feel the Marauders' confused gazes on the back of my head as I sat stiffly beside Lily at our table. We were supposed to be brewing Felix Felicis today and all I knew was that I was a total baboon when it came to potion brewing whereas Lily was totally kicking ass. Which, in all honestly, wasn't any real news to me at all.

I looked at the colour of our potion and sighed when it already had the acquired yellow colour. I didn't doubt that it would turn to gold soon and dared a look at Snape's potion. His was already a beautiful golden shade and I glared at him. How did he do that anyway? Beat Lily in Potions? Potions, for crying out loud! Sometimes I even thought Lily came from a line of potion brewing geniuses, but since she's Muggleborn that wasn't likely.

I sighed, when Lily smacked my hands away from the table. I held up my hands in surrender and rolled my shoulders. I bit my lip as I took a quick look over my shoulder.

I gulped when I saw Sirius glaring at me. I glared right back. What was he glaring at me for? I wasn't the heartless son of a bitch that dumped a girl brutally in a room full of our peers!

I turned back around and silently berated myself for looking in the first place. Honestly, what had I expected to find? Sirius sending sorry notes to Sheila?

I didn't think that would have made me happy either.

No. I know it wouldn't have cheered me up one bit.

I rolled my eyes at my own ridiculousness. I wasn't making any sense whatsoever.

"Could you please stop moping so loudly?" Lily asked without looking up from where she was cutting frog legs to pieces. "You're obviously thinking about him and I think you'd better concentrate on our potion that I am brewing by my lonesome!"

I balled my fists at that, not really in the mood to humour her right now. What had her in such a sour mood all of a sudden anyway? "Don't talk to me like that, Lily. You're the one who keeps snatching things away from me every time I try to help."

"Yes, because your head is with a certain Marauder and you keep messing up!"

"Lily," I said threateningly, sitting up straighter in my chair.

"Don't even start," Lily hissed silently, giving the Marauders a dangerous look. "I understand that you're heartbroken about what happened, but giving me the silent treatment isn't going to help. If you are so dependent on the lad then by all means, go talk to him and kiss his ass some more."

"Lily!" I snarled, glaring at her. What the hell was she going on about? What had crawled up her ass and died? Must have been something god damn awful from the looks of her sour face, I thought angrily.

"Don't Lily me, Nika," she said slowly as if she was thinking about stabbing some sense into me with that dangerous looking knife she was holding. She seemed to think the same thing I was, since she gracefully laid the knife down on the table. "You know it's true," she continued. "You always give him what he wants and let him mock you and your silly crush on him."

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