Amen from the back of the choir

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MUWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. (I'm not so evil to let you hanging for another day after this chapter. I'm updating another chapter right now!)

Chapter 29

And oh when you give me that kiss,

It's like Amen from the back of the choir.

~ You Sound Good To Me - Lucy Hale

I was reading a book of Lily's, waiting for her as I did so. I had stolen it from her secret stash underneath her bed and the book was about a girl, Alice, who tumbled—like literally tumbled—into this whole new world she called "Wonderland". It was weird, and I wasn't really sure if I liked it or not.

Anyway, it was better than looking as lonely as I felt in that moment. Dinner would be served in about an hour, and Lily still hadn't returned. She was cutting it rather short to the curfew, and although I was really happy that she was probably having a good time, I wanted a little company.

As if Fate had decided to mess a bit more with me, a voice piped up behind me. "Do you mind if I sit there?"

Every atom in my body froze and goose bumps took over my arms and legs faster than McGonagall could purse her lips. The world really couldn't hate me this much, could it? Really?

I felt like kneeling down on a field, screaming as lightening struck a tree behind me.

Okay, so maybe Lily's books were making me feel a little dramatic, and obviously Alice In Wonderland was making me a little too creative and imaginative to be considered healthy.

I wondered what the right course to take here was. I could say: "Yes, please, Sirius, sit next to me and ravish me till my voice is hoarse from screaming your name."

But then again, that might be a little extreme and it would definitely make him run for the hills again.

I licked my lips. I liked the picture of Sirius on top of me and gazing at me though. Lust setting his eyes ablaze.


Yes, please.

Too bad Christmas already came.

"Sure," I said instead a tad bit exasperated with him and myself both. I was supposed to be upset with the lad.

I wasn't missing him and I was very angry indeed, I reminded myself.

"Great," Sirius said with a carefree laugh, before he jumped over the back of the couch in a swift move and plopped down next to me.

His right side of his body brushed against mine as he did so and I looked away.

I should have never given James that speech today, and the next time Lily wanted me to read one of her romance novels, I was throwing them out the window as soon as I possibly could. I didn't need any of that mushy nonsense in my life.

Damn this. I tried to subtly move away a little, but the way the corner of his mouth curled told me subtlety wasn't my middle name.

Double damn. "What do you want?" I asked holding the book to my chest as if it were a shield.

Yeah, as if there was anything on this world that could protect me from the mischievous look he was currently giving me.

"Ah, what don't I want?" Sirius sighed playfully, giving me a wink. My stomach turned and fluttered at the same time. What was he up to? "No exams for starters, a successful career as an Auror maybe. A cute girl to warm my bed, definitely, and I am going to have to replace a couple of my boxers since they are now completely ruined." He sounded so sad about it all, but my mind had completely halted at the word 'boxers'.

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