You're gonna hear me roar

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So I'm back to updating this story. (Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to update it, I am so sorry!) I'll be updating one chapter (maybe two) a day till I'm back on track!

I hope you enjoy, guys!

Love, Kelly

Chapter 4

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire

Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar

~ Roar - Katy Perry

"Are you quite sure about this?" I asked Sirius again as we sneaked towards McGonagall's office.


"How positive exactly are you?"

"Pretty damn positive, love, now hush."

I rolled my eyes. Yes, that didn't put me at ease at all. I glared at Sirius' muscled and very masculine back and wondered how it would feel if my hands -

I took a deep breath and tried to calm the most imaginative part of my brain down. This wouldn't do at all and if I didn't put a stop to this, I was going to go mad.

Sirius Black really was hot though, I mused as I took my place at the beginning of the corridor. Apparently I was the look-out and I was to stall McGonagall if she returned early from her class. According to Sirius she was currently teaching the third years so it was rather doubtful, but in comparison to whatever it was Sirius was doing in her office, it seemed the lesser of both crimes.

No matter how hard I tried to distract my mind from him, it always wandered back to the same trail of thought. Sirius Black was a beautiful example of the male species and there was no denying. His shaggy black hair was just long enough to fall into his eyes and it barely reached his shoulders. He carefully styled it to look a certain way that reminded me terribly of bed hair. His grey eyes and strong jaw made his face almost painful to look at and gave it a manly shape, whereas his thin lips and fine nose were more elegant.

Sirius Black was a walking contradiction. He had broad shoulders and was well-built, but he moved with grace wherever he went. He never slouched, but whenever he was with his Marauders his stance seemed to relax somewhat. Something his mother would undoubtedly have disapproved of.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. Mild curiosity made me put a spell on the corridor. If anyone came within twenty feet of it, an alarm would go of near my head wherever I was.

I walked to McGonagall's office and froze as I stared. "Sirius," I hissed.

"Ah, decided to join the party after all, eh? I started to doubt you had the stomach for it," he said cheerfully as he continued hexing every piece of furniture in an awful shade of pink.

"She'll have our heads for this," I said urgently, cursing my curiosity to kingdom come. I had been better off not knowing.

Sirius gave me a wink. "Nah, Minerva loves me."


"Be a little dove and do something creative with the fireplace?" Sirius asked smiling faintly as he added green dots to her pink desk.

I bit my lip and looked at the fireplace. Did I dare? Surely she would find out it was me and then she'd probably give me a month's worth of detention. "Sirius," I sighed.

"I thought you wanted to pull a prank?" he sighed right back, shaking his head ruefully as if he couldn't believe me.

"Yes," I hissed, "on a fellow student, not on our freaking professor!"

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