I wanna know what love is

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You're going to be happy with this chapter, I think! Thank you all so much for your comments and votes, they mean a lot ♥

Chapter 46

I wanna know what love is,

I know you can show me.

~I Want To Know What Love Is- Foreigner

"Pssst," something whispered somewhere above my left ear.

I groaned and turned around in my bed, shoving my face into the pillow. Whatever it was, I didn't want to know.


I mumbled incoherently when I felt something hit my head rather forcefully.

"For Merlin's sake, Schmidt, take the damn note and let us sleep in peace!" Miranda's shout was the reason I finally opened my eyes with a deep sigh and grabbed the flying note from the air.

I frowned. Since when did notes talk anyway?

"Pssst," it said again.

Oh no, I thought, he wasn't going to take me on any more adventures. Because if the indicators - sheer brilliance, handy and relatively funny - were correct then this couldn't be anyone else's handiwork but Sirius'. (Or well, another Marauder's.)

"Nika Schmidt!" Miranda screeched.

I cringed and bit my lip as I opened the note silently. I grabbed my wand and crawled underneath the covers so my other dorm mates wouldn't be bothered by the light I was just about to shed on the situation.

"Lumos," I whispered.

"Meet me in the Common Room?"

I turned the note sideways, backward and I even tried a couple of spells, but no other message appeared. I closed my eyes in fatigue and wondered what would happen if I didn't go. What would happen if I did go was something I already knew. Laughter, giggles and maybe a headache in the morning.

Decision made, I crawled from under the covers and quickly threw some clothes on. I didn't care that I forgot my tie or that my socks didn't match. I was still quite torn about it though. I wasn't sure if I was going to let Sirius convince me to join him on another one of his pranks, but I wasn't entirely sure that I wasn't going to go either.

Merlin, how confusing this was.

I found Sirius Black sitting on his favourite couch with his back straight to the staircases. He hadn't heard me enter yet, and I gratefully took advantage to greedily take him in. His hair was messy and he was sitting there in nothing but his boxers.

It was like my brain froze. Why was Sirius Black waiting for me in his boxers?

I wanted to ponder and study the situation from every angle, but my brain was too busy studying his back to be of any use to me. Sirius' shoulders were as broad as his shirts had promised they were. What I hadn't known was that he had several scars running up and down his back and, from what I could see, his sides. I wondered how that came to be when Regulus' words came back to me.

"I am also the little brother who got him tortured when we were little, and the little brother that got him kicked out of the house."

It said a lot about my mental stability concerning my severe Sirius Black obsession how precisely I could recall his brother's words. They gave me the chills.

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