Wanna give your heart a break

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Someone once told me that a psychiatrist would never react the way Dr. Greene does, and they're probably right. But then again Dr. Greene's under Dumbledore's thumb. I know that Dumbledore's also very ooc at times in here, and I have no excuse. I wrote this fic two/three years ago when I was convinced that Dumbledore was a lot shadier than he was portrayed at first glance in the books. Because, let's be real here, Harry's hardly a reliable narrator. Either way, I've grown a lot as a person in the last few years and my views on Dumbledore have changed a bit. I'm not going to rewrite this fic though, so I'll just leave it as it is. 

Chapter 44

Wanna give your heart a break

I know you're scared it's wrong

Like you might make a mistake

~ Give Your Heart A Break - Demi Lovato

Amortentia is the most powerful Love Potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from it in characteristic spirals. It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves.

Love Potions are often used to cancel out Hate Potions, I recited silently as I stared blankly ahead.

Sirius sighed and I looked down at my lap where he was currently lying in.

"What?" I asked him as I continued to mentally recite the most important traits of Hate Potions.

They are most often used to help a witch or wizard get over a person who does not return their feelings. It allows the drinker to see the worst traits and habits of the loved one, but it cannot completely take those feelings away, just as a Love Potion cannot create real love.

"This is hell," he sighed.

I looked at the book Sirius was holding and raised an eyebrow. "Not fond of Care of Magical Creatures?"

"Oh," Sirius grinned, "very fond. Just not fond of its exam." He looked up from his pages and gave me a wink. "I do know of a magical creature I would like to care for though." He waggled his eyebrows in open invitation, and I rolled my eyes good-humouredly even as a blush crept on my cheeks.

Apparently a Hate Potion would be a very handy tool for me indeed. "All the studying has put your brain in a comatose state, Sirius Black."

"Maybe," he murmured as his eyes stared into mine, "you should do something about waking it up then."

James coughed. "Do you guys mind? There are people here who are trying to get through their Potions exam, you know."

I looked up and flushed bright red. Remus, Peter and James were all staring at us as if they were this close from dropping us in the lake.

We were sitting outside, of course, since the weather was positively divine and a certain Black refused to let me study in peace in the library like Lily was currently doing.

Sirius was doing better, I thought. Only a week had passed and the exams were knocking on our doors, but Sirius acted as if nothing had happened at all. It was something he was good in, acting as if nothing ever touched him.

A defence mechanism he probably had to pick up in his youth, I thought sadly.

"You're just jealous, mate," Sirius snorted as he turned a page in his book.

Barking Mad (Sirius/OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें