The lead in my nightly stop motion

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Okay. So. There's smut in this chapter. Like honest to Merlin smut. Foreplay, as we call it. If you're not into that kind of thing just skip to the ~*~ and continue reading from there! Thank you all so much for your continuous support and I hope that you like this chapter! ♥

Chapter 45

Feels as if I could swim across the ocean

My Film star

Playing the lead in my nightly stop motion

~Amalfi - Hooverphonic

His lips were trailing along my jaw line, creating shivers all over my body. His leg was pressed between mine, keeping the way right open if he wished to venture there. He nuzzled my neck and I exhaled deeply, my eyes falling shut as I did so.

My fingers clutched the duvet as I felt my back arch into his touch. He breathed something against my skin, but my heart was thumping too loudly for me to make any sense of his words.

His lips slowly made their way down, while his fingers drew patterns on my thighs. My breathing came faster as he reached the valley between my breasts. He trailed kisses toward my left nipple and then gently bit it.

My eyes shot open and I gasped as he sucked the sting away. My fingers let go of the duvet and grabbed his hair as I gently tugged him up again. My lips effortlessly found his and claimed them as mine. My hands pushed him back as I rolled us around so I was now the one on top. My knees rested on each side of him as I sat back and stared into his grey eyes, ablaze with passion and want. My eyes drank him in. Sirius Black was slightly flushed as he lay underneath me. His broad chest looked so inviting that I wondered if he would mind if I kept kissing it for the next hundred years or so. He seemed perfect to me in that moment, as if he was born to be my counterpart.

It was actually quite satisfying to see the always so regal Sirius Black lying down under me, eagerly awaiting my touch.

"Are you gonna keep fucking me with your eyes, my wee dove?"

My eyes shot back up to his and I grinned. Him and his weird names. He wasn't even bloody Scottish, but I had grown rather fond of the nickname. When in Scotland, speak as the Scots do, he had once said when I asked about it. He had spoken in a horrible Scottish accent for hours until James threw one of his smelly shoes at his head.

My grin widened. "What if I am?" I teased as I moved my body slowly over his again so our chests touched once more.

A groan, that would have wet my knickers if I still had had them on, rose from his chest when our skin made contact and his eyes twinkled with amusement as he teasingly nipped at my lips. "Then you will be missing out on quite a bit."

My giggle turned into a groan of my own, when he bit my lip again before kissing me passionately. His tongue demanded entrance to my mouth almost domineeringly as if it owned the place, which in all honesty it probably did.

My hips moved against his, ready and eager to take it to the next level. Sirius grabbed my hips and looked straight in my eyes when-


A pair of amused green eyes were the first thing I saw when I woke up.

"I think I liked it better when you had nightmares," Lily grinned widely. I heard someone else giggle in the far corner and flushed in embarrassment.

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