You rest in my mind

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Chapter 48

Ik kus je (I kiss you)

Ik sus je (I soothe you)

Ik doof en ik blus je (I extinguish and I quench you)

Je blijft heel dichtbij me (you stay very close to me)

Maar in mijn hoofd rust je (but you rest in my mind) 

~ Ik mis je (I miss you) - Maaike Ouboter

Edgar Bones was one of the most upstanding wizards I had ever met. He was also part of a secret organization that Dumbledore created. That is about all I know about that though, since Dumbledore didn't want me involved. He had this strict rule about minors joining the Order of the Phoenix, and I couldn't say I disagreed per se, but it was a tad bit disappointing. The members of the Order had handy spells to relay messages undetected, and that was what I needed from Mr. Bones right now.

We arrived in Godric's Hollow after nightfall. I had visited the Bones' manor only once but the grand mansion had most definitely left an impression on me. I motioned for Tobias to descend with me, and, after touching ground, we demounted our brooms. "Follow me," I said as if I didn't know there was nothing else Tobias could do. I set a brisk pace as shakes threatened to take over my body. I did not have time to go into shock and I wouldn't, I swore. This wasn't the place to have a mental breakdown, for Merlin's sake! We must have walked for about ten minutes before we reached the place. The mansion was three stories high and about three times the width of a "normal" house. It was freaking huge.

"Let's go," I murmured as I took the lead yet again.

Tobias had yet to say a word to me since we left the orphanage and I could understand that. He had first lost his parents and then his safe house because of me. I would resent me too if I were him.

Besides, I had a feeling that the way he hadn't been himself for a while now, and who could blame him? I was pretty sure that I would behave just as childishly as he had if I were in his shoes. Comparing to when I lost my parents, Tobias was handling this extremely well. At least he knew they were dead, and didn't make breakfast for their corpses.

I knocked on the oaken door and tried to calm my breathing as we waited. A lightheadedness was slowly seeping into my consciousness but it was more important to report to Dumbledore before I lost my grip on the situation. Having a safe place to sleep for the night was our first priority right now.

Mrs. Bones opened the door with a confused expression. "Yes?" she asked, looking down on me.

"Hi," I replied, shivering as I did so.

Tobias gave my arm a little comforting squeeze. His support was a welcome surprise.

"We're looking for Mr. Edgar Bones?" I had no idea if he'd told his wife about the Order. I assumed he did, but I had never heard of her joining the Order as well so I didn't dare say anything more.

She gave me a curious look. "How did you find this house?" When I didn't immediately answer, she started closing the door again.

I closed my eyes and hesitated only for a moment. "I'm here for the protection of the Order," I blurted out.

When I opened my eyes again, I could see that the door had opened once more and that Mrs. Bones was staring at me with wide eyes. She opened the door fully so we could finally enter.

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