Take me down like I'm a domino

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Chapter 32

Dirty dancing in the moonlight,

Take me down like I'm a domino.

~ Domino - Jessie J

Lily and I had talked this over for hours and I was still not certain if I was doing the right thing. What I did know for certain though, was that I was done being played by the likes of Sirius Black.

Lily had asked me what I wanted from the lad and what I was willing to risk to make it happen. I couldn't say if she approved of my plan, but she supported me no matter what her real thoughts on the matter were. She knew this was important to me, but especially so for my self-esteem. I wanted Sirius Black to know what it was to want someone, to want me.

And Morgana be damned if I wasn't going to make that happen.

I hoped.

At least I'd try?

I still wasn't sure about any of this, but at least I'd know what was going through that gorgeous head of his. Just... Please, Merlin, don't let him run for cover again, because when he does...

I closed my eyes as if that would keep the thoughts away. Unfortunately it didn't help a damn thing.

If he ran away again, that'd be it. We'd be done. I didn't think it would be easy, far from it, but I wouldn't talk to him. I'd take a page from Lily's book and ignore him and hate him whenever he approached me.


This plan was doomed to fail, I thought irritated with my own stupid idea. I wasn't going to stop though. I wanted to know where I stood and if he really had been playing on my emotions all along, which I just knew he had. If so, I was going to kick his butt like only a bad ass banshee could.

I took a deep breath, before saying the password to the Fat Lady. She stopped mid-speech, gave me a fierce glare and swung open.

I walked into the common room and stopped in my tracks when I saw them sitting on their favourite couch in front of the fireplace. Merlin, he was handsome.

Sirius had already removed his tie and his ankle rested on his knee. His arms graced the back of the couch and I wanted them to embrace me instead. He looked up, caught me in his sights and stopped mid-laugh.

I looked away, when I saw that the other Marauders hadn't noticed me yet. That would only last so long, of course. My eyes were caught by Lily's.

She gave me an encouraging nod that I wasn't sure I deserved.

I took another deep breath and walked to the Marauders with my chin held high. Their conversation ceased and I saw James look up at me expectantly. It wasn't like I could blame him, since the last few times I had come to them it had indeed been to talk to James.

He started to get up and I gave him a sweet smile. "Please remain seated, James," I told him, sounding like an old school teacher as I did so. Nerves were raging through my stomach and my hands were shaking like mad.

At least I was polite?

James gave me a confused frown and looked around at his friends, who seemed as much at a loss as he was. Except for Sirius Black, of course, who looked a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

My last doubts disappeared almost immediately when I saw his pinkie tapping his knee nervously. I was doing the right thing, I realized. "Sirius, could I have a moment?" I bit back the 'please'. Barely.

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