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I want to thank each and every one of you that voted, commented and read this fic. You're all great and I hope that you don't hate me too much now. 

Love always,



It had been years since I lost everything. I still missed my friends dearly, and the thought of returning to Hogwarts without them had nearly killed me. But Dumbledore had offered me a job, and I needed it desperately. Not only for the money side of it, although that was part of it too. No, I wanted to go because of him, because of Harry.

He was all that remained of us. I'd heard tales of his bravery and his great likeness to his father, who hadn't? But hearing it and seeing it were two completely different things. Harry didn't just look like his dad, he was the spitting image of him.

So much so, that for a second when I woke up from my much needed nap, I mistook him for James for a second or two. My heart jumped erratically in my chest, which was silly of course, because I quickly enough made the connection. The Dementor was feeding off of him. The boy had endured so much that the Dementors were lured to him, I thought with great sadness. I raised my wand and used the only spell that would help against them. The Dementor fled and the boy fainted. We caught him and gently laid him down on the seat. We didn't have to wait long before he regained consciousness, thankfully.

I thanked my love for chocolate that day, as I took a piece of it and handed it to him. I had made the right call to come here. Nobody would do this boy anymore harm, not even his own godfather. I would take care of that.

Sirius Black was not taking him away from me, too.

"Here, take this. No worries," I smiled gently, "it's chocolate."

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