I was too blind

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Chapter 36

I was too blind to see,

This isn't what it seems...

~What Is Love? - Lea Michele

I was sitting at one of the tables in our Common Room when James and Sirius walked in. I watched them make their way to their usual spot at the fireplace and laugh about something. That wasn't what got my attention though, the boys were always laughing anyway. No, what pulled and held my eyes there was the fact that the others weren't with them.

I wondered where Peter and Remus were and if they knew about Sirius being an Animagus. Were they Animagi too? It wouldn't really surprise me, I thought. They all had the brains for it, even Peter who liked to pretend he was the dumbest of the lot.

Okay, in all fairness, he probably was, but if you put him into prospective with the rest of the year he was hardly the dumb kid. So why he liked to pretend he was, was often beyond me. At least he had the Marauders who had his back, I thought.

Lily sat down next to me with a dreamy smile.

"Hi there, lovebird," I greeted her, my eyes never leaving Sirius and James. My hand played with the ink bottle that I had been using to finish my homework.

Sirius looked absolutely stunning as always and I couldn't stop my eyes from travelling his body up and down. I knew my breathing was becoming unsteady, which had everything to do with the fantasies running wild in my mind right now. I could almost feel his hand travel up my leg.

"Hello yourself, Juliet," Lily grinned, pulling me out of my daydream before I completely embarrassed myself. "How's our Romeo doing? Haven't you seen him for the dog he really is?" she laughed good-humouredly.

The ink bottle left my hands, rolled over my homework and that of several other students and fell on the ground in a loud crash. My eyes never left Sirius' shocked face as he looked at me. The whole Common Room had fallen silent, but my mind was running wild.

"Nika?" I heard Lily ask worriedly.

"A dog," I repeated softly and then a little louder, "a bloody dog!"

I saw Sirius blink and James give me an oh-shit-look.

I gave the latter a dirty glare. "James doesn't even have a bloody pet," I grumbled, before I grabbed my homework and moved to the portrait hole. How could James have let me blabber on and on about Sirius if he had been standing right next to us?!

The events in Hogsmeade of that day came running back and I couldn't help but cringe.

"There's nothing to see here, people. Mind your own business," Lily said as she followed me out.

"Nika," I heard Sirius call.

"Just let her go, Padfoot."

Yes, just let me go before I kick you in your tender spot, Padfoot.

Lily only spoke again when we arrived at the fifth floor. I followed a random corridor and finally sat down under a window.

"I cleaned up the mess you made back there," Lily breathed softly. "People were giving you angry glares, you know." I remained silent. "So... I guess you found out about your Romeo being an actual dog?"

He certainly was as much of a tit as the actual Romeo was, I thought vaguely remembering the book that Lily had made me read during the Christmas holidays. I turned my head toward her fast when her words clicked. "You knew?" I asked angrily.

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