Live passionately tonight

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Oh man, I'm so sorry. I totally suck for forgetting to upload chapter 8. I kind of sabotaged my own story here, but I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on the last few chapters that I had to delete and upload again. It was very much appreciated and I'm glad you enjoy my story enough to comment! 

This Summer has been extremely hectic to say the least, but I've got some new projects ahead and I can't wait to share them all with you! So stay tuned! (It's a Dramione short story, yaaay!) 

I'll upload 4 new chapters today because you guys are so awesome and I'm a total noob who forgot to upload. Whoops.



Chapter 12

I'm a warrior queen,

Live passionately tonight.

~Marry The Night - Lady GaGa

"I've decided that you need to participate in another prank," Sirius told me.

He decided, did he? I gave him a look. "We already have a detention every Monday evening for a month because of our last prank. Do you really think this wise?" I whispered as I stared at the Quidditch pitch.

"Love, when have I ever given a care about being wise?" Sirius grinned, before grabbing my hand again and dragging me to the middle of the field.

"Sirius," I started and rolled my eyes when I saw his look. "Padfoot, I don't think we should be doing this. If McGonagall catches us..."

"Which she won't," Sirius told me calmly, turning around to face me completely. He let go of my hand and held my face between his hands. "Relax, Nika. Nobody is going to be a hundred percent sure that this was our doing. In all honesty though, they'll know it was a Gryffindor, but they can't prove a thing. We're safe and I promise you that you won't get any more detentions because of this."

I didn't think that was a promise he could keep, but I decided to let it go and nodded.

He gave me another stern look, before letting go of my face and burning cheeks and moving a couple of steps away. He stared at the night sky and smiled faintly up at the stars.

"You better be right, Sirius Black," I threatened, "for when Dumbledore kicks my arse out of this school, I'm taking you down with me."

His only answer to my very heartfelt threat was to blow me a kiss. He grabbed his wand and gestured for me to do the same. He told me to say some spell or another that I hadn't ever heard of, but I decided to just go along with it.

I mean I was already an accomplice right? If I helped him or not, I knew he was going to do something detention worthy and I most certainly would never tell a professor what Sirius was up to. I wasn't a rat and besides I didn't even know what he was up to and I was doing the same thing he was. There was nothing concrete to rat out yet.

Gold and red sparks came out of my wand, but they quickly disappeared into the night. I frowned. I looked over to Sirius and saw that his wand was doing the exact same thing. The sparks illuminated his face that stared back at me with a childlike glee.

"What is this going to do?" I asked him as a grin slowly formed on my lips and my wand kept sending sparks into the night.

He winked. "Let's just say that this is going to be a game they won't soon forget."

I shook my head at his cryptic answer. "If you want me along on all of your future pranks, you're going to have to learn to trust me."

Sirius paused midspell and I saw him stare into the night. I saw him shake his head and even the gold sparks from his wand seemed to pause.

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