Written on my stone

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Hi guys, 

Sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday, but thank you all so much for your votes/comments/messages! They really mean a lot!!

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 27

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones,

Its eems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone.

~Story Of My Life - One Direction

"You look gorgeous," Lily told me as we stared at our own reflections.

I generally didn't really enjoy looking into mirrors, didn't really need them either. I could comb my hair blindly and I normally didn't use any make-up, which wasn't the case so much now. Lily had drawn a tiny line under my eye and I had to say that it really does make my blue eyes pop. She played a little with the black waves of my hair, before she let them fall on my shoulders.

"You're so pale though," Lily complained. "Maybe if I use a little-"

"No," I said immediately, stepping away from the mirror. "No more make-up. I don't want to look like I'm putting too much effort in my appearance for a certain someone."

Lily frowned. "If this is about Sirius-"

Well, isn't everything in my life about the ridiculous lad nowadays?

"- then I would like to tell you that you need no man to look rockin'."

"Did you read Witch Weekly again, Lily?" Emily asked her as she moved past us to grab her brush before she left the bathroom again.

Lily stuck out her tongue behind Emily's back, and I stifled a giggle.

"I saw that," Emily said, without looking over her shoulder.

She couldn't possibly have seen a thing but Lily's giggle was answer enough, I suppose. Lily pushed me back in front of the mirror. "You're looking pretty good, Nika."

No, I didn't, I thought as I looked in the mirror. My face was too round. Do you know those people with those cute, round baby faces? Who always look years younger than they really were, but you still thought they were adorable anyway?

Well, I wasn't like that.

Besides the baby part then.

I thought my round face always made me look younger than I really was, which could be quite frustrating. Especially since I had the mentality of an 80-year-old cynic, and which kick ass heroine looked like a broken doll anyway?

Although I had to admit that Lily's eye pencil did make me look older, prettier even.

Still I scoffed at my reflection. "Thank you, Lily."

"If you sounded any more insincere, I would have dumped you with the Slytherins," Lily said, rolling her eyes.

"Weren't you the one who gave me the whole stereotypes speech?"

She just gave me an unimpressed look.

I sighed. "I am sorry. I think I'm going to do the line every day now," I promised. I probably would if people didn't ran screaming from me when they saw it.

I mean, one had to do everything to get rid of one's baby face, right? And besides, I really did like the effect it had.

Lily gave me a triumphant grin. "I knew you'd like it," she said proudly.

Barking Mad (Sirius/OC)Where stories live. Discover now