The wonderful games you play

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I absolutely adore this song! Enjoy, guys!!

Chapter 6
Fill me up with the glorious words you say

Make me part of the wonderful games you play

~Faster - Sofi De La Torre

I came to expect Sirius during breakfast and smiled when he showed up next to me the next morning. "Good morning," he greeted me with a brilliant smile that took me by surprise.

"Morning," I said, waving my toast a little.

Sirius' smile only widened. "I have to thank you, love."

I blinked. "Whave fo?"

"I didn't quite catch that," Sirius said with an amused smirk.

I felt myself blush and swallowed my food. Ahem. Good work, Nika. He's so going to fall in love with you now, you daft witch. "I said, whatever for?"

Sirius grabbed a jug of water and filled a glass. "Because James is speaking to me again on a normal, bearable tone." He seemed so genuinely happy that I half expected him to wag his tail. "And I just wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me even though you barely know me."

I blinked again and wondered if everybody else in this school knew how much of a sweetheart Sirius Black really was. "You don't have to thank me for that."

He just grinned before wolfing down his breakfast. Well, then.

I was about to ask him what they were fighting about, when two Ravenclaws joined us. The blonde sat down between Sirius and myself and I closed my mouth before a broomstick flew in. What?

I stared wide-eyed as she started playing with his hair and gave his earlobe a little bite. "Hey," she purred.

"Morning, beautiful," Sirius with a mouthful. Well then, how is it that he can still articulate, but when I do that I turn into a muttering idiot?

"I just wanted," a kiss in his neck, "to thank you for," another kiss on his jaw, "last night," she whispered seductively.

Her friend sat down on my other side and gave me a smug look. "Hey, how are you?"

Getting worse by the minute, I thought as I watched how they were currently devouring each other right next to me. My appetite was gone and I threw my toast down on my plate. "Never better." I was somewhat content that my voice didn't even quiver. Stupid, girl, I sneered, what did you expect?

"I'm Eva," the brunette said, before nodding to her friend, "and that's Sheila."

Yeah, she looked like a Sheila alright, I thought cattily. "Nice meeting you," I mumbled.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you." Eva looked so smug that I wondered how she'd wear that look with milk pouring down her hair. I would have done it too if Lily hadn't given me a shake of her head from five seats over. Why hadn't she been the one to sit down next to us? Honestly, why was my luck so rotten? Had I been Grindelwald in a previous life or something? Did I murder thousands of little children?

What was it?!

"So," she drawled, "what's the story here?"

"What story?" I tried to give Lily a desperate look, but she seemed quite caught up in her reading material.

Rotten luck, I'm telling you.

"The story of Sirius and you of course. Are you two shagging?" The question was asked so bluntly and shamelessly that I turned a tomato red. A lovely colour on me, I'm sure. How dare she ask me a thing like that though? Especially when her friend was currently trying to eat Sirius' tongue?

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