Light the candle

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Hello again,

To those who are worried that I've completely changed Sirius' character overnight; don't worry. All will become clear soon.

Chapter 30

We could light the candle,

Oh won't you light the candle?

~Light My Candle - RENT

The next morning Lily was up and about before anyone else in our dorm. When I lazily opened my eyes, I saw her fussing in front of her mirror with a healthy blush on her cheeks. When she saw I was awake, she ran towards me and knelt in front of my bed, holding her face too close to mine for comfort.

"Lily," I croaked. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know how to wear my hair," she whispered, her eyes open wide.

"Down," I replied immediately. "Why?" I yawned and rolled on my back. I loved the girl, but I didn't really need to see her face up close for longer than a couple of seconds.

"I'm dressing to impress today," Lily answered, swiftly walking back to her mirror.

I groaned, when I saw how late it was on Miranda's alarm clock. "Lily, it's Sunday," I cried.

"Yes," she confirmed.

"It's six o'clock," I shrieked, waking everyone else in the process of doing so.

"Merlin," I heard somebody moan.

"Shut it, Schmidt!"

Right. "Sorry," I whispered, before rolling out of bed in one smooth move. I landed on my feet without a problem and thought that was pretty damn bad ass of me. When I looked at Lily, I saw her studying me with an amused expression.

I winked.

She winked back.

I went over and stood next to her as we both stared in the mirror. "I'd definitely let your hair down," I murmured and messed it up a little. She looked a little wild, but the bed hair look did her wonders if I was being honest. I was 99% sure that James was going to flip when he saw her like that, so there. How could Trey not love it?

Lily gave me an unsure look. "Like this?" she asked, giving her reflection a doubtful look.

I studied her reflection for a moment, before I pulled her to the bathroom with me. "Do the eyeliner thing," I commanded.

"It's Sunday," she protested. "I'll look like I'm trying too hard."

If I could I would have grabbed the pencil and done her make-up myself. I was scared that I'd completely mess it up though and that she'd look like a total clown. Lily would then probably be too nice to tell me that my make-up skills were quite lacking, and she'd brave the day with my butchered eyeliner job. I wasn't about to let that happen. "Please," I prodded, "just make it a thin line."

With an uncertain hum, Lily set to work. When she was done I was positively beaming with the effect. "Now you look absolutely stunning," I told her. "He's gonna fall flat on his arse when he sees you."

Lily beamed with the compliment and did a funny little dance as she squealed.

"What was that?" I asked, laughing.

"Could you two shut it?!" Miranda yelled.

I grabbed Lily's hand and dragged her out of the bathroom, out of our dorm and into the Common Room which was still deserted. Thank Merlin, I thought silently as I realized that I was still in my puppy love pyjamas. No, seriously. It had little puppies rolling around printed on it and every now and then it mentioned the phrase "puppy love".

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