I can hardly breathe

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Chapter 31

I can hardly breathe,

You make me wanna scream,

You're so fabulous.

~Hot - Avril Lavigne

Lily and I were minding our own business during Potions when a piece of parchment hit the back of my head. I turned around and gave a vicious glare at the thrower.

James gave me an innocent smile and pointed at Lily. "I thought you were a chaser, you moron," I told him, a bit annoyed. What if that parchment had landed in our cauldron, huh? What if the thing exploded in our faces? What then?!

Chaser, my arse.

"What has gotten your panties in a twist?" James asked me, glaring right back. Right, not taking any of my shit then.

I picked up the piece of parchment and threw it in front of Lily. "From Casanova over there."

"I thought you liked Potter?" she asked me, not even moving to unfold the note. She just kept on reading the recipe, apparently not having a care in the world. I admired that about Lily. How she could pretend not to care about James' shenanigans. Until she blew up, that is. Although, I suppose, Volcano Lily was a beautiful sight all on its own.

"Love him," I confirmed as I stirred our potion three times clockwise.

"Then what's up with the angry treatment?"

I shrugged unwittingly.


"What do you care anyway?" I whispered. "I mean, don't you hate the lad?"

Lily pursed her lips and nodded. "Fair enough," she muttered before throwing some frog legs into the potion.

It wasn't that I hated James now, I was just about 99,9% sure that he had told Sirius about my little love confession two days ago. Bastard.

I wrinkled my nose and closed my eyes in annoyance when another note hit me in the shoulder. Oh, come on.

I picked it up without a word and threw it to Lily again.

She sighed and shook her head.

"Aren't you going to read them?" I asked.

"Whatever for?" she murmured so the boys behind us wouldn't be able to hear. "It will only encourage him and that's something I really don't need at the moment. Especially not since I have Trey in my life right now."

"If Trey truly likes you, he won't run for the hills because James Potter sent a couple of notes," I answered slowly, not really getting the point. Why wouldn't she just read the notes? I had half a mind to read them myself out of sheer curiosity.

"What's up with you and Sirius?" she asked. "You didn't say yesterday."

Yes, I thought, because I didn't want to talk about it.

I sighed and started putting in the bloodroot. We were supposed to make the Black Blood poison and we were well on our way to completing it without any difficulty. Bless Lily's soul, I thought.

"Nika?" Lily bit her lip as she stirred the potion again.

I barely intercepted another note before it landed in our potion and gave the lads behind us a look. "Shouldn't you be sitting at the front anyway?" I asked James, studiously ignoring Sirius as I did so.

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