On with the show

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This chapter was actually really hard for me to write. How does Nika react to Sirius being out of her life? How will she deal with it?

It's quite simple, she doesn't. This is why this chapter is one huge conversation, because Nika has just shut off part of her brain. The thinking part comes later in the next chapter, because she simply isn't ready to face her problems yet. I think the lyrics I chose for this chapter portray it perfectly, to be honest. That being said, I think you'll also see a more explosive side to Nika, which we need to thank Sirius for. (This is exactly how I react, btw. When I feel powerless, I snap and growl. Heh. Whoops?)

That being said, this chapter starts dealing with the whole Regulus thing. We get to see another side of him (besides the semi-charming Regulus from two chapters ago although he does make a small appearance) and I can't wait to write more about him. I am also aware that the whole Kreacher thing doesn't happen for another two years, technically, but this is a fanfiction. So I've decided to speed things up a little! Hope you guys won't mind ;-) Enjoy!!!

Chapter 38

I have to find the will to carry on!

On with the show!

~The Show Must Go On - Queen

As promised I waited outside of the Come and Go Room for Lily when I arrived early. Unfortunately for Lily, Regulus arrived before she did. He raised an eyebrow as he took me in.

"Did you forget how to enter?" he asked, nodding to the wall.

I shook my head. "No, but I'm not supposed to talk to you yet, so go on right in," I said with a flourish.

Regulus looked a little incredulous at that, but started pacing anyway. "Are you quite sure that you're okay?"

I laughed. "I'm absolutely fine," I told him with confidence, although I wasn't entirely feeling it. It wasn't Regulus who caused the sadness though, so I decided not to say anything about it. It's not like he could change it or something and it would just be plain weird if I started talking about his own brother.

Yeah, better not.

Besides I had already told myself that now wasn't the time for crying in little corners. I had made myself a promise to tuck my heart away for now and I was keeping it. Right now I needed my head straight and concentrate on the business at hand.

Sirius' beautiful grey eyes didn't even come in the equation here. They didn't.

"Why aren't you supposed to talk to me?" he asked me, just as the door appeared. He grabbed the handle and opened it, so it couldn't close and disappear again.

I shrugged. "Lily thinks you're a psychopath luring me into a trap." She hadn't said that with that many words, but hey! I could read between the lines just fine. Besides most of the time I thought she thought me crazy as well, so there's that.

"That would mean I was a psychopath luring you into a trap yesterday as well," Regulus pointed out.

"You could be a psychopath with a plan, you know. That happens," I defended my friend, although I thought her demand had been quite ridiculous myself.

"Most psychopaths," came her voice from behind us, "have plans. Evil plans, that's what makes them psychopaths."

I grinned at Lily, while Regulus just shook his head.

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