My heart is pierced by Cupid

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Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but now that the exams are over and the holidays have officially started I'll update more regularly!!



Chapter 7

My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold.

~My Jolly Sailor Bold - POTC OST

I glared at Sirius's ass. Damn him. "Why are we here again?" I asked his ass in harsh tones, as I crawled after him.

"Be a dove and lower your voice," I heard him whisper back at me.

What kind of a sentence was that anyway. I didn't want to be a dove. Doves smelled. Terribly. I frowned at his ass and wondered why I had let him go first again.

"This is ridiculous," I hissed, lowering my voice nonetheless.





"Damn, woman, hush," he snapped.

I glared even harder, before deciding that I had had enough. I pulled his leg so he fell flat on his stomach. "You're going to tell me why we're crawling through a corridor after curfew or I'm going to sit on you until you do. Your choice."

I heard Sirius chuckle softly. "You may have heard that I'm fighting with my best mates."

"Yes," I acknowledged impatiently.

"Yes well," Sirius muttered, rolling around so he was lying on his back, "I'm trying to please James a little."

"By crawling on the ground?" I asked him disbelievingly.

"In a way." He rolled around again and started crawling once more.

"Sirius Black, why are we crawling on the floor?" I asked him again, just pulling him on the ground again.

"Like I told you, I want to make amends with James," he said, a tone of anger richening his voice.

"Like I asked before, by crawling on the ground? Where are we crawling to and why can't we walk through the corridor like a normal person?" I was seriously starting to lose my patience with this boy and if I had to stare at his ass for much longer I was either going to jump it or smack it in annoyance.

And I wasn't entirely sure which option would be more objectionable.

Sirius whispered something that I was pretty sure I didn't want to know, since it sounded suspiciously like a curse of some sort. "You're really annoying sometimes," he snapped. He shook his head and sighed. "Look, you'll see okay? Can't you just trust me?"

Well, I'm sure that I could, but I doubted that I wanted to. I was mulling it all over, when the idiot started crawling again. I rolled my eyes and decided that I was so done with this. I pulled his leg from under him and decided to honour my previous threat. I crawled over his body without so much as a thought and sat down on his back. "Well then," I spoke angrily, as Sirius stilled below me, "I thought you said we weren't going to prank anyone!"

"You know, love, you really need to think about blindly taking a leap of faith when it comes to handsome devils such as myself."

I poked his side. "What are we doing," I prodded.

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