Here comes a lion

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Hey guys,

Here I am with my new Sirius/OC fanfiction! I hope you all enjoy and please vote and comment! :D



Chapter 1

Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba  (Here comes a lion, Father)
Sithi uhm ingonyama (Oh yes, it's a lion)
~The Circle of Life - Lion King OST

The school was buzzing. Nobody really knew why or what had happened, but the Marauders hadn't entered the Great Hall together this morning. Normally I wouldn't even have noticed such a thing, but that was before the fangirls started muttering his name.

"Why isn't Sirius with them?" I heard Annabelle, a fellow Gryffindor ask her best friend softly.

My head snapped up and my eyes immediately found the Marauders, as if a magnetic force was pulling them there. It was an accurate enough description of the Marauders, to be honest. They were always pulling pranks, fooling around with girls but never dating them and sassing the teachers. I'm sure that if you asked every student here in Hogwarts what they thought of the Marauders they would either say that the Marauders are the heart of the school (the girls) or great mates to have (the boys). Both are correct descriptions of course, although I do tend to side with the girls' view of things.

I mean... It's not like I could ever see any of them as a mate. You need to be able to talk to your mates, right? The last time Remus Lupin asked for a quill I burst into anxious tears and that was third year.

Not that it was his fault, really. I mean, it's not his fault that his mother died a week later. You see, I'm a banshee and it's kind of my fate to know these things. My mum used to call it a gift that Merlin at some point in his life bestowed upon us. I believe my theory is more likely. One of my ancestors probably pissed off the great wizard and Merlin must have decided that he was done with his pigheadedness and cursed his arse to kingdom come so he could see only death. (I always imagine it to be a him, because there's nothing like a stubborn male to bring all the curses to the yard, so to speak.)

Anyway. As I was saying it wasn't really Lupin's fault that I felt his sorrow over his mother's passing. The whole 'shrieking like a banshee' phrase is totally exaggerated by the way. I only scream when the person I'm looking at is going to die in the foreseeable future. I can also feel it when somebody you love is about to die, hence the crying about Lupin's mother, someone I had never met before in my life. But it is not like I'm screaming my head off every few seconds or anything.

I sighed and shook my head. My thoughts were taking it a bit on the macabre side of things and it was only eight o'clock on a Monday morning.

I guided my thoughts back to the drama at hand as I stared at the Marauders. We would never be mates, I thought a tad bit sadly. Not because they still think I'm a bit loony, because let's face it everybody here thinks I'm a lunatic, but mostly because it just wouldn't do to befriend people. What would they do when they found out about what I was?

It was better to save myself the heartache, honestly.

Again with the macabre thoughts, I thought a bit depressed with myself. I looked away from the group and decided to focus on Annabelle's conversation.

Apparently the Marauders had this huge fight Saturday night, but nobody really knew what it was about.

I frowned. The Marauders rarely fought, they were inseparable. I mean last week they would have eloped together and now they were fighting? When the Marauders fought, fangirls cried and teachers had the chance to breathe a little. A lot of drama about something that was absolutely none of their business, if you asked me.

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