CH 37: Jealousy & Aggressive Humans

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The last month has flown by so fast. I guess we all quickly fell into routines as our classes increased in pace and difficulty and school became our main focus.

Pha and I would wake each morning and get ready for school together, then go have breakfast at the little restaurant in front of our dorms. Ming and Kit would meet us there and we'd split up with Kit going with Pha to their classes and Ming dropping me off at my faculty before he went to his.

In the evenings, it would be the reverse. Ming would pick me up and we'd come home together. We'd do homework and have dinner, then waste time till Pha and Kit came home. They'd generally be dead tired, so we'd make sure they ate something, then it was off to bed. Beam would also join us sometimes to have dinner and extra study time with Pha and Kit.

On the weekends we'd all sleep late, then get together for lunch and sometimes the five of us would go for a run at Nam Pha Pa Yai. It was always a fun time, but it left me feeling a little guilty every time when Pha would stay behind with me while the others ran off some steam. He'd always say he didn't mind, but I never want to be the one whose holding him back.

Both mine and Pha's and Ming's and Kit's relationships seemed to be going smoothly also, with just a few interesting bumps in the road along our paths of happiness.

Kit had moved in with Ming and they lived next door. They were doing well although Kit was pretty grumpy a lot of the time. Ming brushed it off though saying he was just a tsundere. What was fun, was seeing Ming turn into a playful puppy when Kit was around. I hadn't seen this playful side of him since we were younger, so I was glad Kit made him so happy.

Kit and Ming were both pretty jealous and territorial when it came to the other, and sometimes that caused issues between them. Ming was a good-looking guy and Kit was super cute and both hated it when girls, and sometimes boys, would stare at the other or worse confess to them. Their antics often made me, Pha, and Beam laugh out loud.

As far as Pha and I, well he'd practically moved in with me. We regularly stayed in my dorm room, so Ming was nearby, but every now and then we'd stay in Pha's room just for a change. We spent most of our free time together or in a group with Ming, Kit, and Beam, and everything had been going well between us. Pha is sweet and caring towards me, and he never has a problem showering me with affection even when we are in public. I know he can be possessive and jealous too, but we've been mostly too busy with school for the issue to come up. Well, with a couple exceptions.

Like two weeks ago, when Pha decided to have lunch with me in our Science cafeteria since one of his afternoon classes had been cancelled. It was a great idea, but everything went kind of off kilter.


Montree and I were sitting at our normal lunch table waiting for Pha and the rest of the Fairy Angel gang to get back from the food lines, when a tall good-looking guy walked over in front of us and said, "Hi."

We just looked at each other, then him, then waied as we greeted him in return. He looked nervously around the cafeteria and rubbed his hand along the back of his neck before speaking again.

"Your name is Wayo, right?"

Montree answered him for me, "Yes, he's Wayo. Why?"

"Well, I was hoping to get his number so maybe we could go out sometime."

His request definitely took me by surprise, but I answered quickly and honestly, "Uhm, I'm already dating someone, so, no, I can't do that. I'm sorry."

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