CH 53: Mates and Lovers

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A/N: Ready for some payback? @LisaTatro here's the scene you wanted. You'll have to use your imagination a little but I hope you enjoy!!   :-} 



When Alpha Panitchayasawad released us, I was very thankful. I knew it was part of the plan for tonight anyway, but I wanted to spend some time alone with Kit before the madness hit.

There are a people including my family and Kit's uncle that we need to say good night to before we can leave the party though. We're making our rounds, shaking hands and offering hugs, when I feel it starting. Uh Oh, I think we took too long saying our good nights. I look down at my watch and realize it's 11:30pm. Shit!!!

It feels like something has started percolating under my skin. Almost like an itchy, buzzing feeling running through my body. It made me want to pull Kit to the ground and push him beneath me now. Skin to skin, sharing each breath we take, drinking down his moans of pleasure... ARGH!

Grabbing Kit's hand, I start dragging him into the house. All I can think is I have to get us to the house, but we need to swing by the kitchen, fast. I run with Kit to the kitchen to grab some last-minute supplies, then drag him towards to our room.

He keeps asking me what's wrong and why we're rushing, but I can only grit my teeth and focus on getting us behind a closed door.


Well, I guess Yo got his revenge. I feel like I was hit by a bus. I can only give a short chuckle at the thought and even that hurts. None of us knew exactly what to expect, but even in my worst-case scenario I didn't imagine the magnitude of the emotional rush we'd receive.

Looking over at Kit, I find him buried under the covers, passed out next to me. He sure puts up with a lot because of me and Yo. I can never thank the Moon Goddess enough for giving him to me.

Moving my aching body to the edge of the bed, I glance down at myself. I'm amazed at the amount of scratches, and hickeys covering me. Viewing the room, I slowly take in the destruction around us. Our clothes are thrown all over and they're joined by the papers from my desk which are scattered everywhere. My books are toppled onto the floor from where they were knocked off the shelf and there are waters bottles strewn all around and rolled under the furniture. The lamp from the nightstand is toppled over and laying on its side, it looks broken.

"Wow." I breathe out on a sigh.

Checking the clock, I see it's 3am. I don't remember a whole lot about what happened between midnight and now besides blurry images of naked skin, flashes of heat, and cries of pleasure.

I do recall Kit and I quickly trying to stock my mini-fridge with waters, attempting to hurry before we were overwhelmed. I know I had turned to grab the last few waters Kit was holding when a blast of searing lust crashed into me and through our bond into Kit. The waters dropped to the floor and were quickly forgotten in our maddened rush to get each other's clothes off. Everything after that is mostly unclear.

Kit groans and seeing me awake rolls over towards me. He movement reveals his torso which is also covered with scratches and love bites. "What time is it?" he croaks out.

"About 3am."

He sits up and looks around the room. "What happened? Who did this?!?"

"I think we did."



When we're released from the party we talk to Forth's parents for a while before heading upstairs to our room. We both want to get in a shower and relax while we can.

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