CH 56: Taken (Part 2)

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A/N:  Ok, you asked for it so here it is... No more till tomorrow!!   ;-P



'Ok, P. I'm walking out the front doors now. I'll just wait... P'Pha, I thought Ming said Park was called home by his father and had to leave school.' I'm sure Ming told me Park had to leave school. What is he doing outside of my faculty building?

'He was. Why?'

'Because, he's... P'PHA!'

Park sees me as I exit the building. I stop at the entrance and he moves towards me. He's quicker than I can evade and does the one thing I least expect. He hits me.

His fist slams into my face. Pain explodes across my right cheek and my head rockets to the left and crashes into the wall next to the doors. My eyes lose focus and I'm dizzy as I'm picked up and thrown over his shoulder. As he starts to move away from the building his shoulder compresses my chest and I can't breathe. I rapidly lose consciousness.

My awareness is returning a bit, but it's fuzzy. I try to assess what I know. I know I'm laying down and I know my face hurts. I can feel hands holding my body and head still, and I know there is a sickly-sweet smell coming from the cloth covering my nose and mouth.

"Drive! Now! Someone will be looking for him soon."

"How long till the chloroform kicks in?"

"It takes five minutes normally, so maybe less than a minute and then he'll be out till we get to the location. I put on a large dose and he's kind of small, so..."

I don't even have time to re-focus my thought before they scatter, and I feel my limbs going numb as I drift off.



Yo's been missing about two hours now. We're gathered in my room as Beam, Forth and I look over my research into Park. I'd collected quite a bit of information, so we're sorting through it now.

Kit is talking to Pha on the balcony, trying to see if there's any other information he might have missed. We're hoping he'll start to sense Yo again soon.

"He has several close associates here in Bangkok who could be helping him." Forth says as he shifts some of the papers he's looking through.

"I know. I've already called in help I trust to start tracking those people down, but it's going to take a while."

"Why do you think Park took him?" Beam ask quietly.

"I'm not totally sure. We know Park wanted Yo, before we got rid of him. He also might just be out for revenge thinking Yo had something to do with him having to leave Bangkok. Or... the worst-case scenario is, after his and Yo's run-in, he figured out what Yo is and decided he wants to try and use him. It could be any of those or none of them or maybe even all of them."

Beam looks at the balcony before almost whispering, "He's one sick bastard from the looks of all the things you dug up on him. We need to find Yo quickly."

Forth mercifully changes the subject, "How do you think they're blocking Yo's link with Phana?"

"Drugs." I hear more than two gasps and look up to see that Kit and Pha are back in the room.

"W-w-what do you mean, drugs?"

This isn't something I wanted to tell Pha right now, but it won't do hi any good to hide it. Heaving a sigh, I tell him straight. "P'Pha, knocking Yo out is the only way to keep him from protecting himself and to keep you from feeling him. Hopefully, Park doesn't know you're mated yet and he's only thinking of keeping Yo from attacking him."



My face and chest hurt terribly, and I can't remember why. I'm so groggy, and my mind is fuzzy. I try to roll over to get more comfortable, and that's when I realize I can't. My hands are tied to the headboard of the bed I'm lying on. My left arm also has an IV tube running from it to a stand next to the bed.

Why am I here and where is here?

Pha and I were talking on the phone... then... Park!

'P'Pha! P'Pha, answer me please?'

'Yo! Where are you? Are you alright?'

'I'm ok right now. I'm tied to a bed in a room, but I don't know where I am. There's an IV in my arm.'

'Oh, God Yo.'

Pha sounds like he's breaking down. I send a surge of love and trust to him down our link. I know he's trying to find me.

'Can you see anything around you? Anything that might help us figure out where you are?'

'No. It just looks like an old house.' I glance at the door as I hear footstep coming closer. 'P' someone's coming.'

'Act like you're still asleep.'

Closing my eyes, I try to steady my breathing as the door to the room opens. I can smell two different scents, wolves. 'Two men, both wolves.'

"The IV is already dry. You're lucky he didn't wake up. Change it quick."

"Why do you think he wants him?"

"Look at him. You have to ask why? He's exactly the type he always wants."

"Alright I'm done, let's go. This should keep him out for another four hours. Boss should be here by then to take him."

'P'Pha they're putting me out for another four hours and they said Park isn't here now, but will be here by the time I wake. P'Pha... I'm s-scared... w-what sh-should...'



'Yo? Yo!' I look up at the group around me, "He's out again."

I'd already told them everything Yo told me. Hopefully, the new information would help us and Ming's contacts a little in our search.

Yo had been missing over seven hours now and I felt like I was losing my mind. Hearing him call my name had skyrocketed my heart rate and pushed my adrenaline into overdrive. Talking to him was a double-edged sword though. I was relieved he was currently ok, but terrified over the situation he was in. My mate was tied to a bed and drugged somewhere out of my reach.

Feeling Yo slip from my mind again had been torture, but knowing Park wasn't with him right now helped keep me a little calm. Really, I was only biding my time. Everything was building inside of me. The anger, the fear, the need for revenge – it was all building up. When we finally found Yo and he was safe again, I would let it all out and kill Park with my bare hands.


Edited:  04.04.2018   9:04 pm  US CST

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