V: Speak No Evil

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February 4th, 2018//

"So what are we getting in here?" Callux asked Remy, grabbing a cart.

"Actual food. Like fresh vegetables and fruit, meat, eggs, milk. Not processed cheese and beer." Remy shot back.

Callux walked beside Remy as they entered the store. "Day one of living with us and you're already trying to change our lifestyle."

"My apologies for wanting to eat real food." Remy was slightly annoyed as she always was, but something about Callux made her want to argue with him as much as she could even if she had no real reason to.

They searched throughout the fruits gathering only the basics. After their agrument about which fruits and vegetables to get, Callux changes the subject.

"Anyways, do you mind if I vlog?" He asked, fumbling with the camera around his neck.

Remy glanced at him like she had just heard the most dumbest question in the world. "Yes. I do fucking mind."

"What? Are you afraid of a camera lens?" He taunted her holding the camera in her face.

"You know why I dont want to be recorded, you asshole." Remy avoided eye contact with Callux as she pushed the camera out of her face, trying to act interested in the grocery store products. "Can't we just get food without a camera filming us twenty-four seven? I've had enough of that shit with Joe. And stop fucking talking to me." She shook her head feeling almost overwhelmed on the topic.

Remy always felt bombarded whenever there were cameras around, it was as if her every move was being watched and she hated the feeling.

"Fucking hell. It was a question." He snapped back, walking away from her to go scan over other items. She ignored his attitude as they continued to search for things silently. Remy had an odd feeling the whole time they were shopping, but she shrugged it off until they were in line, ready to pay. Remy pulled out her wallet but Cal quickly bumped her out of the way.

"I got this." He assured with a mumble, and that's when Remy noticed the two girls in line behind them. They both had their phones clutched to their chests, whispering to eachother. The air was growing thick as Remy gathered all of the bagged groceries back into the cart.

"Thank you." Callux told the clerk before they started to head towards the car.

As soon as they started loading the groceries, the same two girls approached them.

"Oh my god. Hi Callux, sorry we were too afraid to say anything in the store, but can we get a picture?" The girl with the blonde hair spoke.

Taken aback slightly Cal responded with a delay, "Uh... Yeah. Yeah. Nice to meet you guys." He grinned then proceeded to fufill their wants, before they walked off.

In the car, Remy was silent as she scrolled through Joe's social media's. Noticing his new post where he was posed in the hotel bed with a pizza congratulating KSI, she couldn't help but to feel a bit empty. Remy wished she could be laying next to him even if he did lose. None of that mattered to her. All she wanted was Joe back, even then she felt like she hadn't truly lost him.

Patience is key, Remy. He'll come back.

Callux could obviously sense Remy's distress, but he didnt want to try to comfort or sympathize with her. Mostly because he knew she hated his guts. From the corner of his eye he could see her scrolling through Joe's twitter. It annoyed him that she wanted Joe, after what Calfreezy had told him and the rumors surrounding the domestic violence, he didnt think Joe was best fit for her. Callux knew Remy's social life and interactions were affected for this very reason.

Her scrolling annoyed Cal so badly he finally had to say something. "Still giving that asshole attention?" But as soon he said it, he regretted it.

Remy glanced over at him with most disgusted look on her face and hid her phone screen. "Why the fuck are you in my business?"

Instead of backing down like he always did, Callux defended himself.
"Oh please. Everyone knows your business now. Fuck Joe, man. He obviously didn't give a shit about your feelings. He still doesn't."

Remy was shocked that this was coming out of his mouth. She turned in her seat to face him. Even though, all she wanted to do was slap his face, she refrained herself and replied wanting to know his reasoning.
"Where is this coming from? You don't fucking know me or Joe."

Callux saw the fire behind her bright green eyes, but he didnt want to give her the benefit of the doubt by telling her what she wanted to hear. "Sure, I don't know you two personally that well, but everyone knows he lays his hands on you."

Remy suddenly choked on her words that she couldn't manage to get out.
"J-Joe... Joe does NOT do that." Remy lied to Cal's face. Callux couldn't help but laugh slightly even though it was a sensitive subject. Remy didn't like his action at all. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She shoved his shoulder before her eyes began to well slightly with tears, but she quickly turned away so that he wouldn't see.

Callux apologized, "Okay, sorry. I shouldn't have laughed, but you're a terrible liar."

"Stop the car." Remy demanded.


"Stop. The. Fucking. Car."

"No, Im not going to fu-" Remy suddenly jerked the steering wheel causing the car to almost crash into another. "What the fuck!? Okay! Okay!" Callux gave in, pulling over to the side of the road keeping the doors locked, he asked Remy. "Are trying to kill us?"

"I wouldn't fucking care at this point. Unlock the door." Remy huffed yanking on the handle.

"Slow down, we're on the side of the fucking motorway." Callux looked around making sure a cop didnt see what had just happened.

"Unlock the bloody door!" She yelled at him.

"Fine! Fuck!" He yelled back. When he unlocked the door, Remy didn't hesitate to get out and slam the car door behind her. She didn't know where she was going to go, all she knew was that she didn't want to go back to the flat or stay in the car with Callux. She didn't care about any of her belongings at that point either. She wanted to call her parents to see if they would take her back, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She walked around the roads aimlessly for an hour, before she finally turned on her location to she where she was at. She searched for the nearest train station and began heading that way. The entire walk she looked at old pictures of her and Joe and sat the longest on the picture they took together before the fight, his smile was the brightest and his eyes were filled with pure happiness.

Remy suddenly broke into a sob. Needing a break she collasped against the brick wall of a diner. She cried into her knees, wanting her life to go back to normal. Back before she met Joe. She ignored every call and text she got from Calfreezy. She felt so lost.

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