L: Four Hours

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May 30th, 2018//

"Well, you can't blame him, can you?" Freezy asked rhetorically, looking over at Remy who was walking beside him.

Remy sighed and rubbed her arm while her gaze was glued to the floor. "No, I can't." Her voice was weakened and strain. A bunch of over the top thoughts started scrambling into her head, tearing at the only brain cells she thought she had left. She took a sharp intake of breath to speak, but instantly stopped and thought about her words choice. Confusion and chaos could describe her tone. "I think I'm going insane."

Freezy scoffed sarcastically and threw his arm over her shoulder. "Don't be silly, Remy. I know this shit is probably doing your head in. Just stop thinking ahead all the time. Go with the flow, float wherever life takes you." He expressed cooly, making a wave motion with his hand.

"That's how I overdosed, Cal. Life doesn't want me to go with the flow anymore." Remy explained. She understood that Cal was trying to help her and give her advice, but they lived in two seperate worlds despite the multiple similarities.

"Oh." Cal's voice dropped and so did his mood ever so slightly, it was Remy's tenaion radiating off of her. He still tried to lift the spirits. "I bet that geezer McGinley could help you a bit, to be fair. He's actually a lot calmer than you think."

"Oh, I know he is. And I bet he could probably help break me out of this stress bubble, too." Remy agreed with him and noticed that their pace and slowed down, even though the flat was still miles down the hallway.

"You wanted to stay at your flat to get away from him didn't you?" He asked bluntly, taking a glance at her reaction.

Remy's eyes immediately went back to him as she gasped and moved his arm off of her shoulders. "Well, it sounds awful when you put it like that!" She yelled queitly, nudging him away from her. Cal could tell she was frustrated the way she threw her head back and groaned. "No, Cal. That's not... That's not I how pictured it in my head, alright?"

"Do you not like him? Remy, it's fine I can tell him for you-"

"No, no, no. Stop." Cutting him off with a whine, Remy rubbed the middle of her head. "No, Cal. I like him. I really like him. I'm just- I don't-I.... ughhh. I'm just scared."

"Why?" He asked as if the answer wasn't obvious enough. He was nosy though because he was secretly playing wingman. He would love to see them together and he knew things would take time, but it wouldn't hurt to get the inside scoops to help guide McGinley.

Remy huffed getting a tad bit irritated, but she knew she was overwhelming herself over nothing. She found it necessary (recently) to talk about her feelings and emotions because it qould be healthy for her. "He's a sweet boy, Cal. So sweet. And I hate fucking teeter-tottering with him because I know he has such a good heart. But fucks sake, I don't want to fall in love again? Is that bad to say? I don't want to waste another two years of my life. In less than a month, I'll be twenty-three.... Cal, I don't want to be twenty-five and be totally fucking lost like I am now. It would just..." She scoffed with a short sarcastic laugh. "I would probably go back to being a junkie."

"Remy... look, I'm not going to say that everything will be sunshine and rainbows. If that does happen, you're not going to be back at square one. Twenty-five is only a quarter of your life span." Callum replied so easily. Remy thoufht he seemed to be the only one that could give her great advice even if she didn't want to hear it.

Being as stubborn as she is, Remy crossed her arms. "How do you know that?" She mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with him.

Freezy rolled his eyes and answered shortly. "Because you didn't turn back to drugs after your break up."

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