XIV: Good News & Bad News

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February 13th, 2018//

Calfreezy stayed up with Remy as she was editing the pictures of the team. She was about to reveal the last one to him until she realized he had fell asleep. She checked the time on her laptop to see that it was three in the morning. She rubbed her eyes before picking her top ten photos, then continued to instagram to post them.

RemonaMadison It was a pleasure watching @RebelFC train tonight. Hope to see all of you again in the future.

After sharing them to her profile, she slowly closed the laptop and had to decide if she should head over to the couch or just stay in the bed. She knew that Calfreezy wasn't the type of person to do anything foolish, so she slowly positioned herself at the very edge of the bed trying not to wake him.


"Hey Rem..." Calfreezy whispered bumping her shoulder.

She immediately was taken out of her dreams, squinting her eyes she whispered back. "Yeah Cal?"

"Sorry it's early. But it sounds like Lux is in a good mood. I think you should talk to him." He replied quietly sitting up in the bed.

"Right now?" Remy asked rolling over to meet his tired eyes and messy bed head.

"I mean, yeah. Listen to him." Calfreezy chuckled then stayed quiet enough for both to hear that Callux was singing in his room.

"Wow, he sounds amazing." Remy said sarcastically with a laugh. "I'm nervous, Cal. How do I even approach the situation?"

"Be straight forward, Rem. Just don't piss him off, reason with him." He replied getting up to get dressed.

Remy groaned lightly and picked herself up to her feet. "Wish me luck." She stretched then exited the room. She stood outside of Lux's door, nervous. She laughed to herself hearing his singing once again. That little bit of happiness pushed her to knock on the door. "Hey Lux?"

She heard a groan come from the other side of the door. "What?" He replied in an obvious annoyed tone.

"Can I come in?" She asked politely, pushing her lips together afterwards.

He let out a loud exaggerated sigh. "I fucking guess."

She proceeded to enter slowly. Callux back was turned toward her as he was editing a video. "What do you want?" He murmured his head resting on his hand. She was faced the familar scent she had gotten when she first moved into the flat. Soap, leather, and a hint of Scotch.

"I... just wanted to talk to you and solve the problem we have betwe-"

"You're the problem, Remy." He interupted. Remy's heart instantly dropped as she didn't expect him to be so direct.

"I'm the problem?" She asked astonished. She remained calm not wanting the conversation to escalate. "Why do you say that?"

He turned his chair around to face her. "You dont even pay rent, Remy. You're a waste of space here. All you do is mope around crying about Joe. And when someone calls you out for it, you want to play victim."

It was hard for Remy not to explode in fury as the his words hurt her. "Cal told me the rent thing wasn't a problem. And what happened to you saying that you all were here for me or stay as long as you need, Lux?"

"It was pity, Remy. I really don't give a shit what you're going through. I told you that because Freezy told me to. I couldn't care less that Joe broke your heart or whatever. I believe you're just staying here to mooch off of us and make him jealous." He spat with maliciousness spreading over his face.

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