XLV: Regret

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April 28th, 2018//

"Rem... wake up, stupid bitch."

At first she thought that the voice was part of her dream, but soon recognized that it was Harold. Remy opened her eyes the tiniest bit before she had to intensely squint from the sun beaming through the backseat window. Light laughter filled her ears.

"Oi, you're such a dick... come on, Rem."

Remy lifted her head off of McGinley's shoulder and put her hand on his body to push off of him. Her blurry vision caught sight of the river and part of the boardwalk. "Oh, shit... we're already here?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes before opening the car door.

Freezy and Harry had already exited the Uber; Remy and Callum were soon to follow. Warmth spread onto Remy's skin once she had removed herself from the freezing car. It only took a few seconds before the clouds moved themselves away from the sun as the group of four began migrating toward the boardwalk.

"I seriously don't remember falling asleep." Remy mentioned to Freezy, sloppily moving her sunglasses from her head to her face.

Cal nodded, gazing over the glorious river. "Oh yeah, you were out as soon as you sat down."

Behind her orange-tinted glasses, Remy could see other figures near the building they were headed to. Two of them had identical collared shirts- bright blue- they stood out like sore thumbs. And the other two men were dressed in mostly black and both had hats to cover their heads.

"Who are they?" Remy asked causually, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"That's Will and Stephen. You've met them before, yeah?" Freezy answered, glancing over at her. 

Remy sighed and gave him a tiny nod. "Yeah, I've met them." She hated to suddenly feel so down, but it happened anyway. The last interaction she had with those two was an awful experience. Remy was actually looking forward to this activity with the boys; Now, she wasn't sure if she should fake an illness to get out of it.

Remy was done running away from her problems. She needed to squash the beef between her and Will, she's put it off for long enough. Remy had to quickly collect herself as they were approaching the boardwalk quickly. Out of curiosity, she glanced behind her to see if Harry and Lux were still following. Sure enough, they were. Remy caught McGinley's eye, as he was talking to Harry, very briefly before smiling and focusing on the ground in front of her.

She hated getting all giddy. Why was McGinley making her feel this way now? Was it because she finally called off their silly relationship... and she was starting to miss the feeling? That was definitely the answer, but she could never admit that to anyone... let alone, herself.

Remy partially hid behind Freezy once they joined the others on the boardwalk. She avoided any sorts of glances and focused on the instructors, even though she wasn't listening to their introductions at all. She stood still with the best resting bitch face she could pull and her arms crossed along her chest.

A mumble came from the side of her, "Oi."  Remy furrowed her brow and glanced at Lux, who was trickling his eyes along the water. He seemed to be lost in thought and talking to himself but Lux slowly turned his head toward Remy. "It's chilly out here, yeah?"

Remy nodded. There was a slight coldness to his voice, too. He seemed tired. Everyone was. But something was off about him. He quieter than usual this morning. He and Remy had only exchanged groggy good mornings. Remy wasn't going to lie, it upset her that he wasn't in a good mood. Her eyes lingered on him a second longer before she temporarily looked towards the ground. "Are you okay, McGinley?" She asked quietly, trying not to catch the attention of the speaking instructors.

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