VII: Internet Interruption

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February 10th, 2018//

"He's not here." Remy sighed with relief as she gazed at the house she once knew so well. Only a week had passed, but the layout of the house was fuzzy in her mind. Her heart began thumping in her chest. "I'm so scared."

"You just said he wasn't home." Cal spoke, paying close attention to Remy's body language.

"I know... I-" She cut herself off, looking away from the house. She then sighed again. "I should hurry." Remy took off her seatbelt and opened the car door.

"I'll be here." Calfreezy stated as he remained parked on the side of the street. Remy nodded then proceeded to the porch. She reached behind a bright orange flower to retrieve the key from a potted plant near the front door. Entering the home, Remy immediately spotted a crushed picture frame laying on the floor across the room.

She shook her head and focused on retrieving her camera. Remy had already spotted her camera before she stepped foot into the bedroom.
"For fucks sake." She whispered pushing open the door. The mirror above the vanity was shattered to pieces, all Remy could do was roll her eyes, avoid the glass, and grab her camera before she left the house.

She wish she hadn't. Remy wished she hadn't shown herself at all. Joe's car was now parked in the drive way and his body was leaning against Cal's window. Remy's heart began to jump out of her chest. She couldn't see his face, but in a way she was excited and scared at the same time. She froze in the doorway, but quickly realized it would be weird if he saw her.

Remy turned around and acted like she didn't see him or his car. Or his messy blonde bedhead, toned arms, or ankle socks. She had missed him so deeply, it was hard for her to be mad at him. She locked the door and shut it behind her before she took in a huge breath and turned back around.

Her breathing stopped once their eyes met. She clutched her camera tighter before Joe started making his way over to her. Remy then locked eyes with Calfreezy, who just gave her a slight nod. She prepared herself as Joe approached slowly and stepped onto the porch, inhaling the stormy weather before speaking, "Hey Rem." His voice was raspy and tired.

Remy wanted to throw her arms around him and ask him if she could come home. She wanted to pretend everything was okay and go back to the way their life was. But she couldn't stand there and look dumb for the hundredth time. "Joe... I'm mad at you." She fussed avoiding eye contact. "I just came to get my camera."

He exhaled harshly through his nose, looking towards Cal's car. "Fair enough. See you at dinner?"

Remy furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

"Cal invited me for dinner." He replied as he began putting his keys into the front door.

All Remy could do was roll her eyes. She immediately began walking back to the car with fume coming out of her ears. She slammed the car door once she returned, "You fucking invited him for dinner!? What did you two even talk about?"

"You, of course. He seems down too, Rem." Cal replied carefully as he stared ahead.

She groaned throwing herself futher back into the seat. "Cal, you fucking prick."


They made it back to the flat with tension between them. Remy had her arms crossed as she rested on the couch.

"Want to help me clean up?" Cal asked with his head in the fridge "Fuck..." He continued. "I forgot that I have to actually make dinner now."

"No shit, Cal." Remy huffed getting up from the couch.

He looked back at her. "Will you help me with that, too?" He pleaded with puppy eyes.

Remy rolled her eyes as the front door opened. "Hell no. Dinner is on you mate. But I'll help you clean."

"Ah, so shes alive!?" Harry greeted with a smile entering the living room. Callux followed in shortly after Harry threw his arm around Remy's shoulders. "How are you feeling?"

"Feeling... better. Not really, though. Did Cal tell you he invited Joe for dinner?" She grinned up at Harry sarcastically.

"You fucking serious?" Callux spoke up from behind them.

Calfreezy defended himself. "What? I thought it would be a nice gesture. The guy probably needs a good meal after that fight."

"Well what's for dinner?" Harry asked with enthusiam, attempting to change the subject. He could sense that Remy was uncomfortable talking about Joe's loss.

Calfreezy sighed and looked back to the fridge. "Good question."


Remy ended up helping Freezy with dinner anyway while Harry and Callux cleaned up the place. She hasn't had the chance to cook since the shopping trip and something about making dinner for Joe again gave her some sort of comfort that everything would turn out okay that night.

They decided on making breakfast for dinner, omelette stuffed peppers with a side of avocado toast.

"Why'd you have to invite Joe?" Remy complained to Freezy as they sat on the floor beside eachother gazing into the oven. "I'm going to have a frog in my throat when he gets here."

"Remy, he doesn't want bad blood." Cal glanced over at her. "He thinks you hate him."

"I do." She stammered back not looking away from the oven.

He laughed slightly and shook his head, following her gaze. "That's definitely not true. I'm sorry I invited him... I'm also not sorry. I hope you take the chance to talk to him tonight."

"He doesn't want me, Freeze. It's not worth trying to talk to him." She shrugged then cut off the conversation by getting up. "I better go change."

She stood in the hallway by Calfreezy's door for a second to check her phone. She noticed her twitter had a lot more notifications than normal. When she opened the app, it could barely function as an influx of alerts were still coming in. Once her app was running a bit more smoothly, she scrolled for a bit before she finally saw the pictures everyone was chatting about.

"No fucking way." She muttered to herself. She scrolled through the comments seeing nothing but insults, nasty words, and a select few that were genuinely supportive. "Fucking hell." She sighed looking up the ceiling.

"I'm guessing you saw it too."
Remy shifted her eyes toward the end of the hall to see Callux holding his phone in his hand.

She shook her head as she looked down with a scoff. "Yeah... He fucking retweeted it. Why? Why in the hell would he do that?"

Callux began walking over slowly gazing at his phone screen. He laughed slightly. "This is so stupid."

Remy noticed he was just taking it as a joke, but to her this was serious. It pissed her off how he could just laugh it off so easily. Without responding, Remy went into Cal's room to change shutting the door harshly behind her.

After she angrily changed into jeans and a simple white t-shirt, she couldn't help but to look at the post and its comments once again. Just the sight of it made Remy sick to her stomach and brought tears to her eyes. "This shit IS fucking stupid." She growled, agreeing with Lux's statement, before she heard another voice enter the flat.

Remy quickly wiped off her face, her heart suddenly beating out of her chest.

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