XXXVIII: Reluctant

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March 31st, 2018//

Throughout the two years that Remy was heavily in love with Joe, she never would've imagined she would be put in this position. Sitting in a hotel room in Paris with Callum McGinley and watching Joe publicly tell their whole story without warning.

And not to mention being seconds away from hearing what might be the most heart-crushing statement she's ever heard. She took a deep breath and looked toward Lux.

"I can handle it, McGinley." She mentioned quietly.

He shook his head. "I'm not letting you watch this anymore." He replied with a mumble.

Remy knitted her brows together before sitting up and putting her legs in a criss-cross. "I'm going to watch it... with or without you."

Lux had a deep pit in his heart. He felt awful, this was all his fault. If he would've just minded his own business, this all could've been avoided. And Remy could've talked Joe into not posting the video. The least he could do is let her watch the stupid video. If anything, curiosity striked his mind as well.

He rolled his eyes and handed the phone back to Remona, as much as he didn't want to. Remy hesitated to press the play button, she took a deep breath before doing so.

Joe took that huge long sigh before rubbing his face. "Right, so... as you all now back in mid-2017, I had filmed and released a music video named Far From You..."

Remy immediately knew what this was going to be about. Her heart began beating quickly in her chest. She needed to hear it before assuming anything. She needed to hear it in his own voice.

"Clarissa May was kind enough to help me shoot the video. She was so great and helpful. Also, the video was perfect. And Remona was so accepting of it, that's one of the things I loved about her. Anyway..." Joe groaned lightly and followed with a nervous laugh. "Fuckin' hell man."

The video cut scenes. Joe was rubbing his face then he sighed. "Right. Anyway, after the video Clarissa and I hit it off with a long conversation and she invited me to her place. And... I guess... well, I think you can already see where that went. There were no drinks involved, it was... just me completely being an unfaithful piece of shit, all because I was with a beautiful girl."

Remona bit her tongue as hard as she could as she paused the video. She was far past the point of crying. She was pissed, but most importantly, truly hurt. He never told her. And this happened only halfway through their relationship. She looked like a clown for the last year of their relationship and she never knew it. Surely, someone, anyone who had known could have told her.

"Remona..." Lux spoke softly tucking a piece of hair behind Remy's ear.

"That motherfucker." Remy whispered, her voice on the verge of cracking.

"Please stop watching it, Remy. He's obviously just doing this for the views. If he really cared about you, he would've told you this in person." He spoke calmly, even though on the inside he was fuming as well.

Remy sighed and shook her head. "The thing that's fucking me up is that I fucking trusted him. I remember that day vividly. He told me that he'd be late because they'd lost footage." Remy explained unable to look Lux in the eyes. "He straight up fucking lied to me."

"Rem please..."

"It still doesn't make sense though. There's only ten minutes left, Callum. I need to know why he finally ended it. I can get through this." She spoke to him softly as she made eye contact. "I do appreciate you." She told him before putting her hand on his.

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