XIX: Creeping Thoughts

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August 25th, 2015//

"So I just walk up to people and ask? Isn't that dangerous? Won't we get caught?" Remy asked zipping up her belt bag.

"Well, just be selective and careful on who you ask. All of these people are fucked up anyways so most of them will probably want to buy." Kai responded, the colorful strobes hitting his face. "You'll be fine. Good luck. Call me if you need anything or if you run out. Remember twenty each or thirty for two."

Remy sighed to herself as Kai walked in the opposite direction. She had no idea where to start and her nerves start catching up to her already. She shook her head before reaching into her pouch to grab a few tablets for herself. She dry-swallowed them quickly before making her way toward the crowd.

Remy nodded before Kai left her side. At first, she lost herself in the music and vibe of others around her. Something about listening to music live took her stress away, but she knew it was the drugs that did most of the work. As they became more active, she snapped out of her trance remembering the real reason why she was there.

She spent the next few hours asking around the crowd if they wanted any of the ecstasy pills she had stashed. To her surprise, she sold more than she thought. Remy was about to sell to a group of five who all wanted one each before she realized she had two left.

"Sorry guys, you'll have to give me minute. I'll be back!" She shouted over the blaring music before she started walking toward the gates to call Kai. Once she made it toward the very back, she pulled out her phone. After dialing the number, she put the device to her ear. A couple rings passed when she scanned over the crowd noticing Kai's out of control bright blue hair in the distance.

Remy instantly started making her over to him. As she got closer she noticed he was talking with two men. She came up and bumped Kai lightly to let him know she needed his attention.

"This your girl?" One of them asked Kai.

Kai laughed and threw an arm around Remy's shoulders. "Nah. She's my..." He looked at Remy with a smile. "She's my coworker, I guess you could say."

Remy smiled back at him before interrupting their conversation. "Hey, uh, I'm needing more. I'm almost out."

"Ah, so a beautiful girl disguised as a drug dealer?" She heard one of them joke with a laugh.

She furrowed her eyebrows before looking at the both of them. "You have a problem?" Remy asked in a hostile tone.

The one with the dazzling blue eyes put his hands up in defense. "No, not at all. I just think you guys could be spending your time and energy differently. We're not interested."

Remy laughed at his slander. "And you are?"

"Come on, Rem. Let's go look elsewhere." Kai announced not wanting to draw attention.

"My name's Joe. This lad is Chris." Joe held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. And you are?"

Remy glanced at his hand before a smirk spread across her face. "Piss off. Let us know if you change your mind." After leaving his handshake hanging, Remy and Kai both disappeared into the crowd.

Joe turned to Chris. "Fucking hell, man. I wish she wasn't selling drugs or else that would've gone a lot smoother." He laughed. "Is it bad that I liked how she told me to piss off?"

Chris shook his head with a chuckle. "Wait, were you actually trying to hit on her?"

Joe laughed slightly. "I mean, yeah. Did you see those green eyes?"

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