XXXVI: Priceless In Paris

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March 31st, 2018//

Their hands were tangled together, two souls still holed up in the backseat of an Uber. Patiently waiting in silence, watching cars fly by, and the driver playing oldies from The Rolling Stones at the perfect volume. They were now three hours into the drive. Remy still tired as ever, but more than thankful that Lux didn't hold a grudge against her for being a bitch.

"I'm happy you didn't go home, Rem." Callux spoke quietly, while his right hand caressed her calf and mid-thigh. His head was set against the backseat, but he turned his head to glance at her. Remy was leaned against the left side door, her legs draped across Lux's lap.

She smiled lightly at him. "Me too. Again, I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just... mad bec-"

"You don't have to explain yourself, I totally get it." He stated while moving his hand to cup the side of her face. He smiled once again at her before speaking again. "You should get some rest, Remona."

She leaned her head into his hand, loving the warmth that radiated onto her cheek. Closing her eyes, she took his advice. After tangling their hands together, Remy tried falling asleep but one thought kept her up. It was only five minutes later whenever she mentioned something. "Harry knows." She spoke, her eyes still closed.

Callux furrowed his eyebrows, a sudden wave of nerve running through him. "What?" He asked.

Remy opened her eyes and frowned slightly. "He knows about us... He pointed out my hickey... But I told him it was from Joe. He knew I was lying."

Lux bit his tounge and let out a long sigh. "JJ knows, too." He admitted.

Remy pushed her eyelids together and sat up ever so slightly. "Are you serious?" She asked sadly. "How do you know?"

"Well..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head. "He was already suspicious, but Harry had been telling him things... So he confronted me. I had to tell him..."

Remy rubbed her face in a frustrated fashion. "... But I made him promise that he wouldn't say anything." Lux continued, not wanting her to stress about the situation.

Remy shook her head. "What about Harry?"

"I haven't talked to him about it." Lux said with a sigh, giving her leg a squeeze. Remy bit her tongue and looked toward the floorboards to comprehend all of that information. "Look, dont worry about it, alright? I'll talk to Harry as soon as we get back. Get some rest."

Remy nodded and leaned back against the door. At least she got it off her chest, but she felt like more weight and stress was put on her shoulders.

It was nearly 8 A.M., they had two more hours to go. Remy had fallen asleep, finally, and Lux was trying to do so as well. They had changed positions, Remy was now nuzzled into his side, her head laying upon his collarbone. He was close to dozing off when Remy's phone had lit up setting off a notification. He squinted his eyes open and glanced down.

What the fuck...

Her screen read that she had gotten a message from Joe. He suddenly felt a slight wind of jealousy. The lock screen had only shown part of the text. 

Rem, I'm uploading a video tonight. Please don't hate...

Lux read off to himself. He pressed his lips together and moved Remy's hair out of her face to check if she was still asleep.

Never in a million years would Lux ever approve of invading someone's privacy, but he couldn't help his curiosity. He picked up her phone and unlocked it to read the full message.

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