XVIII: Pavor Nocturnus

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February 22nd, 2018//

Remy knocked on Harry's door with a bowl of steaming noodles in her hand. "Yeah?" He answered from behind the door.

Remy entered his room seeing that he was editing. "Hey." She smiled slightly as he turned around to face her. Remy came forth to hand him the bowl. "Here's some food."

"Ah, thank you." Harry replied taking the bowl in his hands then blowing on it to cool it down.

"Yeah, no problem." She replied turning to leave, she stopped near the door and sighed. "Sorry about earlier by the way."

Harry frowned slightly, "It's alright, Rem. I do have to admit... that was bizarre." He laughed lightly. "I really wasn't expecting your guys' arguements to be that bad."

"I know. I don't want to bring that negativity around you or Cal. I'll try to handle it better next time." Remy breathed, but then chuckled. "I hope you enjoy the meal, though."

He nodded, "I will."

Remy left the room and began preparing a bowl for Calfreezy. She was scooping the last bit before she heard Calfreezy groan and get up. "Hey, uh, Rem?"

"Yeah?" She looked back.

"Sorry, but I have to go. I forgot I had to help Reev edit a video for RebelFC." He sighed running a hand through his hair.

"You're leaving?" She asked sadly.

"Yeah. Sorry, Rem. I should be back by morning though." He said putting on his coat.

Remy shrugged trying to stay positive. "Well, you want to take a bowl for the road?"

"I'll have a bite." He accomidated. After taking the single biggest bite he could, he put the fork in the sink.

"Sorry, Rem. I gotta go. I'll have some tomorrow if there's any left over." He spoke up before grabbing his phone, keys, and wallet.

Remy frowned on the inside, but remained a slight smile on her face. "Alright, see you tomorrow." She replied.

After he had left, Remy didn't know what to do with herself. She had lost her appetite and motivation. After pacing around the living room, she decided she'd try to offer Callux some of the food she made. She sighed and got our another fork before grabbing the same bowl and making her way down the hall.

Once Remy reached his door, she knocked lightly nervous that he would still be angry about earlier.

It wouldn't be a surprise to her, but all in all she just hoped they could both get over it like the last few times.

"Yeah?" He answered.

Remy took a huge breath before replying. "Can I come in?" She asked carefully.

He replied with a simple: "No."

Remy rolled her eyes. "I brought you food."

"Don't want it." He shot back now sounding annoyed.

Remy scoffed. "Can you stop being a prick and just take the damn food?"

2 seconds later, Callux opened the door. Remy noticed his messy hair and the bags under his eyes, obvious that he had been editing for the past two hours. He grabbed the bowl from her hands and shut the door in her face.

Remy rolled her eyes before going to the kitchen to put away the food and do a spotless clean up.

She retreated back to Calfreezy's room to wallow in her loneliness. She spent the next hour trying to avoid all social media sites by re-editing old pictures she had saved on her laptop. Remy soon became so bored that she decided to just rest for the night.

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