LI: Blooming Blossom

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May 31st, 2018//

"Remona... Remona, Doll."

Remy heard his whisper, but she refused to try and wake up. She pulled the duvet over her body a little bit more, groaning softly. She felt a light shake on her body and heard a tiny chuckle from beside her.

"Come on, sleepyhead." Callum began moving the hair out of her face slowly. She lazily tried to fight his hand away, but instantly realized she had a huge headache.

"Oh my god, ouch." She whined, her hand running through her roots. Remy squeezed her eyes together to get through the intense pain until it subsided. "Fucks sake, McGinley. How are you so cheery?" She muttered, slowly moving onto her back.

Callum smiled to himself. "Because I get to watch the sunrise with you. Here, I brought you some Midol and water." He placed himself on the edge of the bed, one leg dangling off.

Remy sighed with relief, squinted her eyes open, and began propping herself up on her elbows. "This is why you are a fucking legend, Mr. McGinley." Successfully sitting herself up, she took the two pills and bottle of water from his hands.

"You should let me be your servant for a day." He thought up on the spot, while she was busy.

Remy furrowed her brows while washing down the pills, another quick shiver down her spine. She took a minute to gather herself. "Like... for a video?

Callum bit his tongue with a smile. At first, he actually did think it would be a great video idea. But the thought trailed along his brain a little longer and he realized that he wouldn't even want to film it. It would honestly just be a nice gesture for Remy. Maybe he could help her get her flat together, make her dinner, buy her a fucking bed, he didn't know. Whatever she needed for a whole 24 hours, just to help her out a little bit. It didn't need to be recorded. Putting her business out into the world for his own benefit wouldn't make him much of a gentleman. Callum shook his head subtlety. "No." He shrugged.

Remy squinted at him blankly with a hint of confusion before she turned to rub her eye. She laughed lightly to herself. "What are you on about?"

Callum rolled his eyes, moving them away from Remy. Spotting her glasses, he leaned over to grab them. "We'll talk about it later. I think we've got like twenty minutes til' the sun starts showing." He mentioned handing over her spectacles.

"Ah, fuck." She groaned and rubbed her face before taking her belonging from his hand.


Remy was suited up, ready to battle the cold. Dressed in McGinley's Adidas sweats, an overly long-sleeved sweater, a black beanie, and his famous fuzzy pink coat thrown over the top.

Callum handed her the mug full of peppermint hot chocolate. "Ready to go?" He asked with a small smile.

Remy willingly grabbed the steaming mug from his hand and cradeled it in hers. "Ready." She replied, beginning to blow on the surface to cool it down.

"Oi, you look kinda cute ya know." Slipping in a stealthy compliment, Callum headed towards the front door.

Remy laughed and shook her head as she followed him, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks. "Why do you say that, Callum?"

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