VI: You're Staying

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February 4th, 2018//

Remy stared at her phone screen, her thumb hovering over the call button. Her tears blurred her vision before she finally pressed it. She slowly brought her phone to ear as she covered her face with her other hand.


Remy furrowed her eyebrows as the line was still ringing.


She finally looked up to see Calfreezy parked on the side of the road with his window rolled down. "Get in here! It's freezing."

Then there was an answer from the phone. "Remona?"

Remy was suddenly stunned how everything clashed together all at once. Her mother repeated herself, "Remona? Hello?"

Remy suddenly realized she had to make a choice. "Remy come on!" Cal yelled once more. She hesitated heavily, but she eventually ended the call without responding before she got to her feet and shuffled to the other side of the car.

As soon as she opened the car door, Calfreezy began ranting. "What the hell was going through your mind Rem? You're lucky you turned on your location shortly after Lux made it home or else I never would have found you."

"You fucking tracked my phone or something?" Remy asked in disbelief.

"Snapmaps, so not exactly. But why? That's all I want to know."

"Why what, Freeze?" Remy stubbornly asked back crossing her arms as they remained stationary in the car.

Calfreezy sighed and shook his head, putting the car in drive. "We don't have to talk about it. Are you willing to go back to flat?"

"Fuck no. Not if that prick is there." Remy firmly replied looking out the window as he began pulling out in the road.

"Rem, he fucking lives there... Look, I know you've been holding all of this in. I am here for you if you need to talk, but I dont trust you enough to leave you by yourself."

"I'm not bloody twelve, Cal. I'm a twenty-two year old woman who can take care of herself." She snapped back, definitely feeling offended by his statement.

"I know, Remy. I know you can, but not in this state. I can tell that you're completely heart broken. Let me take you somewhere to cheer you up a little." Cal suggested glancing over at Remy, her curly black hair covering her face.

"Fuck no." She mumbled slumping further back into the seat. "Lets just go back to the flat."

"I'll take it." Cal shrugged with a small smile.


February 10th, 2018//

Remy had shut herself in Cal's room for what seemed like decades but it had only been a week. And in that span of 168 hours, all she could think about were the words that came out of Callux's mouth that morning.

'Everyone knows he lays his hands on you.'

It replayed in her head over and over as she watched countless hours of Joe's videos, just waiting for a simple call or text from him. But she hadn't gotten anything. It was eating at her as the days grew on.

Remy felt guilty when Calfreezy would witness her sobbing as he came into the room to edit for half of the day. But she also respected that he would put on his headphones and mind his business. That's what she loved about Freezy and he was the only reason why she was still staying in the flat.

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