LIV: Big Fucking Surprise

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June 14th, 2018//

"Wanna ditch it with me?"

A soft panic had entered Remy's body, she didn't exactly know how to respond since she was unaware of his intentions. She absolutely did not want to go to the club. At first, she thought about going back to the Vbro alone. She stared at him like a deer in the headlights and before she could even come up with anything to say, JJ's loud laugh had emerged from behind them.

His hulky arms had thrown themselves over the shoulders of Remy and Callum, his body weight nearly knocking them over. "Oh shit! Look at you two!"

"Let's go Jide." Simon was basically JJ's baby sitter at this time since the bloke was utterly wasted. He had attempted to drag him away, but JJ pulled his arm away from Simon's light grip.

"Nah, nah! I want to talk to my friends, fam!" JJ yelled dramatically.

Simon wasn't even going to try to argue with him, he simply rolled his eyes. "Hurry up then or else we're going to leave you." With that he retreated to the cabs.

"What's going on!?" JJ greeted happily, turning his attention back to Remy and Callum who were still stuck under his weight as he used them as leverage to keep him stable. "Are you two uh..." He let out a heavy sigh as he temporarily lost his a train of thought. "Uhh, what are you two doing?"

"Fucking hell, Jide. You're going to break our backs, mate." Callum replied, tossing JJ's arm off of his shoulders. After one arm fell, the other had rolled off Remy's shoulders. Callum continued to speak. "We're probably going to take off."

JJ's face lit up as he took a step backwards and laughed more than he needed to. "Wait, wait..." He expressed waving his hands. His eyes shifted between Remy and Callum. He laughed once again. "Like you're leaving?"

Callum glanced at Remy, but she was still speechless. He shrugged and looked back at JJ. "She doesn't like clubs." He was about to continue describing what they were going to do, but decided not to as his words would be twisted.

JJ squinted at him... then Remy... then back to Callum. "Rightttt." He chuckled once again. "You two gonna..."

Callum rolled his eyes and pushed on JJ's shoulder. "Fuck off, Jide. We're just going back to the house."

JJ let out his high pitched laugh and shook his head. "Righhtttt." He repeated before starting to stumble toward the cab. "Have fun."

After bumping into the car door, JJ flopped into the cab along with Simon, Talia, and Will. After he had enclosed all of them in there, he looked out the window to see Remy and Callum still talking. Simon had followed his gaze and furrowed his brows once he realized both cabs were taking off. "What are they doing?"

"Oh. They're definitely gonna go fuck." JJ replied casually, glancing at Simon.

Talia had immediately leaned forward to look at JJ since she was on the other side of Simon. "JJ!" She blurted, her eyes widened.

"Wait, what?" Simon asked, clearly confused.

"What? You haven't told him?" JJ asked Talia in surprise.

Talia groaned and sunk back into the seat. "You're such a fucking idiot, JJ, I swear to god."

"What!? It's not like a huge secret anymore!" He defended himself.

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