IX: Stay As Long As You Need

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February 10th, 2018//

Remy sighed and hid her face from the light flooding through the door.
"What do you want?"

Callux stepped in quietly shutting the door behind him. "I'm sorry..." That was all he could bring himself to say, at first. But the longer he witnessed her uneven breathing and her fists clutching the blankets, he continued, "...Want to go slash his tires?"

At first, Remy was extremely pissed that Callux had the nerve to come in after the scene she caused several minutes ago. But she couldn't help but give a little chuckle, because she knew he was only trying to bring light to the situation.

Remy felt his body shift onto the edge of the bed. Callux roamed his eyes around the room and took in a deep breath. "You know... I'm probably not the person to be giving comfort..." He laughed to himself. "Freezy was even too scared to come in here... But, uh, I wanted to say, first, I'm sorry. You know, for what I said in the car. You were completely right. I shouldn't have tried to make any of this my business."

Callux was met with silence. At this point, he was sort of regretting going into the room. "And I'm sorry I, kind of, got tied into this. It was never my intention to drive a wedge between you two."

Remy instantly lifted her head from the pillows, her eyes moving to the back of his head. "This wasn't your fault, Lux. None of it was."

He glanced back, catching a glimpse of her watered, yet bright green eyes and furrowed brows. "Yeah... But you heard what he said." He shrugged.

Remy went from laying on her stomach to her side. "About the pictures? What he said was ridiculous and I can't even believe those words left his mouth. This was a long time coming, Cal. Those stupid pictures, I guess... just finally made him crack."

Callux sighed and broke the eye contact between them. He then pushed himself off of the bed and stopped at the door. "Well... know that we are all here, okay? Stay as long as you need Remy."

Remy frowned and nodded slightly. "Thanks Lux." After he closed the door behind him, Remy suddenly felt numb. All the memories she had with Joe had drowned her mind.


February 11th, 2018//

A loud knock against Cal's door frightened Remy from her deep slumber.

"Ew." She grumbled wiping the drool she had in the corner of her mouth. Another 3 bangs came from the other side of the door. "Yeah?" She called out while checking the time on her phone.

Calfreezy entered his room flipping on the lights. Remy squinted her eyes from the sudden brightness. "Fucking hell, Freeze."

"Want to get out of here? We're all heading to the sidemen house to film." Calfreezy headed over to the window and drew the curtains.

"Definitely not." Remy muttered throwing the blanket over her head to escape the sun.

Calfreezy laughed. "Well too bad. I'm not leaving you alone to be cooped up in here for another week."

"I'm not going. I don't want to face those people and I'm sure they dont want me at their house." She protested, checking all notifications she had recieved throughout the night. Remy refused to check her Twitter to avoid embarassment.

"Remy... I'm fucking serious." Calfreezy's voice become bitter as he ripped the blankets off of her body throwing them on the floor. "I've already asked the lads and they said they were fine with it. Now get the hell up."

Remy groaned as she sat up. "Damn did someone wake up on the wrong side of the couch?" After not receiving am answer from him as he searched through his closet, she sighed slightly. "I feel bad, Cal... You should be sleeping in your bed."

"Remy, I don't give a shit where I sleep." He replied looking back at her with his icy eyes.

"Cal... I dont know if I can do this." She frowned moving her eyes off of him.

"Do what?" He asked while changing his shirt.

"Stay here... I feel so out of place. All I had was Joe, he's all I've ever known in London." Remy swung her legs over the edge of the bed and pushed herself off.

Cal turned and stared at her blankly as she dug through her bag of clothes. Once Remy realized he wasn't responding, she glanced back at him. "What?"


Cringe spread across her face. "I've never heard you say my full name."

"Remona, I am not letting you go back to Manchester. Look, I know this is such a sudden change, but please just trust me."

"Cal." She sighed pulling out a shirt and a pair of pants. "I don't have a stable fucking job, I haven't been helping with rent. I feel fucking worthless here. I'm just taking up space and the others are probably annoyed that I'm here invading their privacy. I appreciate everything you're doing for me, Freezy, I really do. But I feel like a bother."

Calfreezy rolled his eyes out of annoyance. Getting frustrated with Remy, he raised his voice. "I'm here to fucking help you, Rem. We all are. If you were a bother, I would've had you out a week ago."

Remy was surprised by his response, it had left her speechless. She bit down on her tongue before shaking her head and leaving the room to go change her clothes in the bathroom.


When they made it down to the parking lot, Remy noticed Tobi and Ethan were down there as well waiting by Harry's car.

"Who's going with who?" Remy asked Calfreezy quietly, bumping his shoulder.

"We'll see. You can hop in, though, if you want." He responded unlocking his car. He then parted ways with her to go talk to the other boys. She bit her lip and proceeded to get into the passanger side of his car. She made sure to bring her camera and equipment as well as a change of clothes, just in case. Remy watched as the boys conversated and would look over occasionally at her. After a few minutes Harry, Tobi, and Ethan began to pile into Harry's car.
Calfreezy entered the drivers seat of his car as a tired Callux sunk into the backseat.

Callux groaned rubbing his eyes. "This is going to be such a long ride."

"It always is." Calfreezy added, backing out of the parking space.

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