XX: The Plan

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February 23rd, 2018//

Remy woke up with regret. Her past is something she always kept a secret and now that she told Callux nearly everything, regret was the only thing swirling in her mind. The bright sunlight made her eyes squint to an extent where she could barely see out of them. She lazily sat up wondering if Calfreezy was home yet. She checked the time on her phone: 10:23 am.

Remy sighed knowing he wouldn't be back that early since he left around midnight last night. She groaned to herself before carrying herself to the bathroom. Remy looked at herself in the mirror realizing she looked like an absolute mess. After going to the bathroom and brushing her teeth, she headed to Freezy's room to grab her towel and a set of clothes then back to the bathroom.

Remy stared at herself in the mirror, touching over her scars.

I wonder how Kai is doing... And if he still selling...

She thought to herself before running the shower. Several minutes passed by of mental bickering with the water caressing her skin. She soon got all washed up and changed into new clothes which made her feel super productive already. She needed something to occupy her mind from wanting to relapse so she stole Calfreezy's headphones and started blasting music from them before she returned to the living area to clean up the place.

Cleaning was always her form of keeping herself under control. It is satisfying, beneficial, and takes her mind off of the sick feeling of drugs.
She found it odd that her tendencies were coming back to her lately, esspecially since she felt so free recently. Perhaps that's the exact reason why. She no longer had Joe around to keep her from doing it. And the thought that she could go out right now and contribute to her craving terrified her.

Callux retreated from his room to find Remy moving various furniture to sweep the wood floors. He couldn't help but laugh and wonder how she had energy to do this. He shook his head before digging through the fridge to cure his hunger.

Remy began moving the couch back into place when she noticed Callux. She was curious about where they stood after last night. She didn't know whether they could get along for the day or go back to being complete dicks to each other. And after seeing him, she couldn't stop thinking about his stupid plan. Although she despised the idea of being on camera, Remy had grown more comfortable and slightly enthusiastic of Joe becoming infuriated, as fucked up as it sounds.

Remy and Callux caught each other's eyes. He raised his eyebrows at her with a sneer smile.

She chukled lightly before taking off one earphone. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He shrugged and turned around to continue making his fourth batch of coffee for the day instead of eating. "What's with all the cleaning? I noticed you even cleaned inside of the fridge."

Remy put her hand up in confusion. "What? You enjoy living in a pigsty?" She shot back continuing to move the entertainment center.

Callux shook his head and grabbed a spoon to stir around in his mug. "No, just... curious, I guess."

"I'm just cleaning." She laughed before seeing what mess was tangled up with the all of the cords.

"Alright, then. Have fun." He replied before heading back to his room.

"Hey wait. Lux?" She reached out, instantly regretting it.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked poking his head out from the hall.

"Uhh." She struggled putting a hold on sweeping, avoiding eye contact. "You know how we were talking yesterday? Like in the car?"

He laughed lightly. "Yeah and everything went to shit? It's alright we don't have to talk about it."

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