XXIII: Adoring Malevolence

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February 24th, 2018//

Remy stood there shocked for a moment, contemplating on whether to leave the room or not. She was surprised at his sudden change of mood.

"Are you fucking deaf Rem?" He spoke again with hate in his voice.

Remy shook her head in disbelief. "What? No." She replied as he didn't move an inch. "I'm-I'm not leaving. What's going on Lux?" She asked softly and kneeled down to start picking up the polaroids.

Shortly after, Callux huffed with frustration as he finally picked up his head and snatched the pictures from her hand. He proceeded to throw them across the room. "Get out!" He rasied his voice.

Remy flinched slightly and she looked at him with a mix of confusion and compassion. She shook her head silently at him as he just stared with a pure scornful look, waiting for her to leave. "Just talk to me." She whispered, afraid of his next reaction.

Remy could see his facial expression change to a state of sorrow before he quickly looked toward the huge glass window. "Are you here to say I told you so?"

Her gaze distributed itself around the room to look for answer. "I don't know what you're on about, Lux." She replied in honesty.

"It wasn't a good idea..." He sighed. "She ended it... Officially ended it."

Remy had a fuzzy feeling roam throughtout her chest to where she felt sick. It was the exact same feeling she got when Joe had told her things were over between them. It was a deep empathetic pain that remained in the pit of her stomach. Remy observed his head titlted toward the ground and his hands strangle his hair, she didn't know how to respond. Remy could only come up with one thing that might ease the tension.

She hesitated, she knew it would be risky. But it was the only thing she thought was suitable because saying sorry was fully pitiful. "Want to go slash her tires?" Remy asked carefully with her heart thumping in her chest.

It felt like years waiting for any kind of emotion to come from him. But in reality it took no more than two seconds for a tiny snicker to escape his mouth. Remy held a tiny smile of relief, before her face returned to a gloomy state. As she moved herself to the bed a few feet away from him, the pitiful response escaped her lips anyway. "I'm sorry, Lux... I know this is partly my fault."

He shook his head staring at the blank wall in front of him. "No, Remy. I mean, I knew it was bound to happen... Just didn't know when."

Remy bit her lip in an attempt to come up with a response. Nothing came to her mind as the room filled with silence. She looked over the scattered polaroids once again seeing nothing but snapshots of him and Sarah. After a few more moments, Remy spoke up. "Let's take your mind off of this utter shit. What kind of food are you in the mood for?"

He looked over to her with confusion, his cheek laid upon his hand. He rolled his eyes slightly. "What are you doing?"

Remy furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"Why are you being nice to me?" He asked. "I just screamed at you to get out."

She shrugged. "I know what you're going through. And I know you probably feel like shit right now."
He nodded his head with raised eyebrows knowing she was right. "So let's go eat our feelings together." She continued.

"I'd rather drink myself to death." He joked slightly still in a monotone voice.

"Hey, thats the spirit." She copied his phrase from earlier as she got to her feet. "Now let's go."


They chose to Uber to a chilled bar so that they could get plastered and eat ice cream. For once, Remy was surprised the Uber didn't cancel. The atmosphere was very laid back only a few people were seated in there and even then they were minding their own business watching sports on the TV's. Callux and Remy were the only two sitting at the bar area.

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