XXVI: Las Vegas

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February 27th, 2018//

"Please don't leave." Callux whined.

Remy couldn't deny that Callux was being the calmest and nicest he's ever been, but at the same time she was tired and needed rest especially since she still felt very sick. The next few moments consisted of them bickering back and forth.

"Lux, I can't be your watchdog. I have to sleep, too."

"What if I move around in my sleep?"

Remy groaned lightly, "Why are you being so difficult? Just let me sleep." Her statement was followed by a tiny annoyed chuckle.

"Sleep in here." Callux offered rolling onto his back.

"Lux, I'm sick. I'll get you sick."

He shrugged, bringing his hands to stretch behind his head. "I don't care."

Remy sighed before looking at him with agitation. "McGinely."

"Remona." He replied with his raspy voice. After having a stare-off for a few seconds, Callux spoke up again. "Please." He begged. "I don't want to die."

Remy rolled her eyes. "You're really pushing this, aren't you?" She asked as he leaned forward toward the edge of the bed. He grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt and slowly pulled her closer without a word.

"Lux." She breathed with frustration. "I'm going to get you sick."

"I dont care." He mumbled, his head hitting his pillow while her sweatshirt was still in his grasp.

Remy groaned throwing her head back in annoyance before she swatted his hand away. "Fine. If I stay will you shut the fuck up, go to sleep, and stay on your fucking side." She argued while taking his arm to roll him over once again.

A tiny smile appeared on his face. "Of course."

Remy rolled her eyes before she assured him that she'll be right back. She went to the kitchen to grab two water bottles before entering the room once again. This time she shut the door behind her, making the room only illuminate with the moon shining through the curtains.

"Drink some water, yeah?" Remy said as she tossed a water bottle to him making her way to the other side of the bed.

"Ow. Stop throwing things at me." He complained sitting up slightly to take a drink.

As Remy crawled into the bed, staying as far away as she could from Callum, she began wondering how the hell she ended up there. Wrapped up in his blankets, next to a person who has done nothing but agrue with her for the past month. A person who she can barely stand yet still has some type of compassion for. A person who she thought she despised. A person she started to feel strangely about.

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as she laid her head against the feather pillow, facing the wall away from Lux. She did everything to shake the fact that he was literally inches away from her, warmth engulfing her back. And how odd the situation was.

They laid in silence for a few minutes, the only thing that could be heard were their steady breathing patterns before Remy felt tiny strands of her hair being moved. Remy furrowed her eyebrows before she turned her head slightly to see Callux laying on his back. "What are you doing?" She asked tiredly with an annoyed sigh while moving her hair away from his fingers.

"Your hair is so curly." He replied with a slur, his eyes still closed as he reached for another strand.

"Stop." She groaned before nudging on his shoulder with her elbow. "Go to bed." She turned insignificantly to push him over. "And lay on your side, Dumbass."

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