XL: A Reaction || Part Two

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April 17th, 2018//

Remy didn't tell Freezy a single thing, even though he had dug, time and time again, for answers. Lux didn't say anything either. All Lux had mentioned was that the 'friendship' between he and Remy was very complicated.

And it's not like you and I are fucking married Callum

Remy's voice filtered throughout Freezy's head since the day it happened. He has been completely oblivious to their whole romantic relationship, but that phrase sent his whole head spiraling. The fact of the matter is... Joe is still a good friend of his and Lux, being Cal's best mate, might have some sort of relationship with Joe's ex-girlfriend. It blew his mind, really. It was a tough positon to be in.

Freezy pried Lux about the situation, thinking of any question or statement he could, but Lux wouldn't budge. The real question is: Would he tell Joe if Lux confessed? Or did any of it really matter? Part of him wants to leave it all behind because, in his head, it isn't his problem. But at the same time, the other half of him admits that this has all been happening in front of his eyes and sooner or later it would come back to bite him.

Freezy let out a deep breah, running a hand through his hair while watching the sunrise slowly beam through the curtains. He had been up all night, the usual for the past two weeks, and he was thankful he didn't have to go to practice today. Eyelids feeling heavy, he glanced over at Remy who was sleeping peacefully, the sun rays gently falling upon her face.

He pressed his lips together before sighing through his nostrils then looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

Freezy hated the tension in the house. He spent the whole morning trying to figure out an excuse to have everyone go for a night out together. Whether it was a good idea? He had no clue.


"I'm not going." Remy groaned after Freezy had begged her to go for the hundredth time.

Freezy groaned back. "Remona please? It's just dinner a-"

"I'm not fucking going if Lux is." Remy spat, cutting him off while digging through her clothes.

Freezy rolled his eyes. "You're going to pass up an amazing dinner because of him? What are you going to do while we're gone?"

Remy closed her eyes for a second to deeply inhale, stopping her movements. "I dont know? Go for a walk?"

"Please Remy." Freezy begged again. "Just sit between Harry and I. I dont know, maybe you and Lux can settle your differences in a peaceful environment."

Remy glanced back at him with an annoyed look in her eyes. "I think we all know how that would turn out, Cal."

"I hate that you two fight so much." Cal mumbled under his breath before walking toward the door. "Just think about it, yeah? We're leaving around four." He informed before leaving the bedroom.

Hearing his whispered distraught words, new thoughts ran through Remy's head, recalling what Harry had told her several days ago.

It's toxic, not only for yourself, but everyone in your circle

Remy stopped rummaging through her clothes and stared at the blank white wall. Looking back at her past memories with Lux had suddenly dug a huge pit in her heart. Remy received that fluttery feeling that she had experienced when waking up in bed with him for the first time. That sensation of bliss and peace had surrounded her once again. She missed having his hands massaging her head and her legs tangled with his. Remy had longed to witness for his groggy morning voice and wild bed head.

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