XLVII: Confrontation

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August 28th, 2018//

Remy stayed straight faced for a few seconds before cracking a smile. "Uh, yeah. I can stay for a little bit..."

Callum nodded and was thankful for whatever time he had left to spend with her. "Yeah, yeah. That's fine."

Remy quickly glanced down the hallway, then back at Cal. "I'll be right back."

"Okay." Cal responded quietly.

Remy left the room and headed straight for the bathroom. The turning and fizzling in her stomach returned, a little more harshly this time. The feeling was nothing like it was hours ago. In fact, it never really went away. Remy placed her palms on the bathroom counter and let her head hang low, closing her eyes.

All of this shit was doing her head in. Between Joe spilling his feelings, Callum pulling her heart strings, and Freezy having a problem with it; Remy was bound to explode at any point. For a small second her fingers grazed the nook of her arm, but she instantly snapped out of it and began scrambling through the medicine chest. She grabbed a few headache pills and some numbing gel for McGinley's wound. Remy took a deep breath before retreating back to his room.

fuckin hell, why am i doing this to myself again

Remy pushed open the door, the lights were off again, and she tossed the tube of gel onto Callum's face. She laughed lightly as he winced.

"Ow, Remona."

"Sorry, McGinley." She tried to contain her smile as she shut the door behind her, proceeding to dry swallow those pills. She felt a chill shoot down her spine and spread throughout her arms. She shook off the feeling and continued to climb ontop of the bed, watching Calum stare at the ceiling. "Need help with that numbing shit?" She asked leaning over to take it from his hand.

Cal glanced over at her. "You don't want to touch my mouth." He laughed, placing his hand on her knee. He was definitely distracted, not even focusing on the pain of his tongue.

"Sit up, pussy." Remy threatened jokingly twisting off the cap, sinking into the delicacy of his hand.

He groaned sarcastically before getting up. Remy fumbled on her phone to turn on her flashlight. She glanced up and tugged a smile at Callum before speaking. "Alright, open up."

Cal rolled his eyes and gaped his mouth open. With Cal's hand now up to her thigh, Remy lifted the flashlight. "Move your tongue to the right... no, the other right." After squeezing the numbing gel out of the tube and onto the wound, Remy temporarily healed the other side as well. She pulled back from being so close to his face, then beamed happily at him. "You can call me Dr.Madison."

Callum attempted to stifle his tiny laugh before letting it out and pushing on her shoulder. "Stop it." He playfully mumbled, scooting back so that he could lean against the wall.

Remona watched him for a second, her happy grin wore down once she noticed that Callum seemed clouded up. After a few seconds of silence, Remy began moving herself next to him against the wall. "What's on your mind, Callum?"

Callum pressed his lips together and glanced over at Remy before letting out an embarrassed chuckle then hesitated to answer. "You..."

Remy rolled her eyes and bumped shoulders with him. "Oh shut it, McGinley."

Callum laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "I'm not lying..."

Remy rasied her eyebrows and nodded slowly as she looked down at the duvet covering their legs. "Oh, its one of those talks..."

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