LII: Fight or Flight

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May 31, 2018//

It was difficult for Callum to stand there and bite his tongue, watching/helping Remy look for anything else she may have missed.

'stay a little longer' maybe?

He told himself, trying to come up with something sensible just to stall a little bit of time. It was useless though, she was in the middle of telling him that she had everything and was ready to go. Callum sighed, trying his best not to show any sign of sorrow. "Want me to walk you down?" He asked as they approached the front door.

Remy shook her head with a smile on her face, moving the duffel bag strap to sit more comfortably on her shoulder. "No that's alright, McGinley." She replied as she stopped to look at him. "I already called the Uber to take me to the metro."

"Maybe they'll cancel?" He brought up. Anything to make her stay. "I could take you."

Remy laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. "McGinley, you can't drive for the life of you." She gifted him a small smirk. "But sure. You'll be the first I'll call if they cancel."

Callum rolled his eyes as well. "Alright, but don't call me if you're like dying or anything." He teased, opening the front door for her.

Remy shook her head. She stifled her tiny laugh while walking through the doorframe. "That's what the paramedics are for."

Callum noticed that she was going to keep walking without stopping. Even though he couldn't get her stay, he wanted to show her that he still wanted her in his life. "Rem? What the fuck? Come back for a second." He called out in a playful tone.

Remy turned around slowly and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, that sly smirk still on her face. She didn't get far, it only took three steps to make it back to the front door where Callum stayed stationary.

"What?" Remy asked with a small laugh, noticing that he just kind of stared at her for a second.

After her response, Callum had gently taken her hand and squeezed it while he went to place a subtle kiss on her forehead. "Don't forget about me, okay?" He told her in the most soft voice.

Remy had to gulp down the frog in her throat as she nodded, feeling those love-sick worms wiggling around in her stomach. "How can I?" That was all she said before she gave him a smile he couldn't forget.

And he watched her walk away in his clothes and it took everything in him not to embarrassingly run after her. He slowly subsided back into the hollow flat. As soon as he closed the door, he felt like a teenager again. Getting giddy and filled up with the honeymoon stage feelings. He did that cliché where the person leans against the door after closing it, just thinking about the next time he'll see her again.

Thoughts were cut short when Harry's door creaked open and scared the living shit out of Callum. "Did you do it, mate?" Harry's underdressed figure stood in the crook of his door.

Callum laughed lightly and began moving toward Harry to do that weird handshake lads do. "You're god damn right, I did."

Harry laughed along with him. "Cheers, man. Cheers."

"What the hell are you doing up so early?" Callum questioned, seeing Harry's tired state with a bad case of bed head and dark circles.

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