VIII: Dinner

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February 10th, 2018//

Remy kept herself in the room for a while, dazed by Joe's voice conversating with the others.

Her heart stopped when he asked the question. "Where's Rem?" His question was followed by the oven beeping.

"She said she was going to go change like thirty minutes ago." Calfreezy replied as he got the peppers out of the oven. "I'll go get her."

Remy sighed, knowing she had to go out there sooner or later. She was just so angry from Joe's actions that she feared she was going to cause a scene.
Remy decided she was going to be civil until she found the right time to talk to Joe alone.

"Rem?" Cal called out knocking on the door lightly.

"Yeah, yeah..." She opened the door having a slight attitude. "I'm going to kill you for this, Freeze."

"Just come fucking eat dinner." He replied leading the way back to the kitchen. Remy's heart was racing as she entered with him. She could feel Joe's eyes on her, but she refused to look up. From her peripheral, she could see his usual messy hair and bright eyes gazing at her.

She tried to ignore him as she prepared her plate, but the air was so thick it was hard to distract herself. Joe was sat at the couch next to Harry while Calfreezy leaned against the counters.

"Is it good?" Cal asked making sure the dish he made with Remy was atleast decent.

Joe nodded finishing what he had in his mouth. "Definitely! You know... It reminds me of when uh, Rem and I had breakfast in America for the first time." Hearing her name come from his mouth made her knees weak, but he continued. "Remember Darling?"

She had just gotten her fork, yet she was ready to stick in Joe's throat. Remy couldn't stand there and act like everything was fine. She finally looked up at him with a glare in her eye. "Don't fucking do that, Joe."

"Do what?" He asked dumbfounded as the others remained in an awkward silence.

She rolled her eyes, heat rising in her body. She replied sternly. "Yes, I remember."

Calfreezy stepped in to break the tension. "Yeah, she did most of the cooking. All I did was cut the avacodo."

"That's a lie. You also cut the bell peppers and toast. You even graded cheese." Remy teased with a chuckle.

"Cal doesn't know how to cook for the life of him. We would be having ham sandwiches if Remy wasn't here." Harry joined in on the banter.

After everyone finished their dinner, the boys decided to gather on the couch to play a few games of FIFA while Remy quietly cleaned up.

She was putting the last dish away when Harry shot the winning goal. An ear piercing scream escaped his mouth as he claimed victory.

"Bloody hell." Remy muttered, almost dropping the plate.

"Oh that is such bullshit!" Joe laughed tossing his contoller to the side. "Where were you man?" He asked Calfreezy once he stood up.

"I was there! Where were you?" Freezy shot back. Remy rolled her eyes, shutting the cabinet. Freezy then looked at Harry and Callux. "We will beat you guys this next round."

Joe took a glance at Remy then ran a hand through his hair. "Hey, uh, you guys go on. I'll be back."

Freezy nodded at Joe, "Alright, man. Yeah." Then exhanged odd looks with Harry and Cal.

Remy was almost to Cal's room when she heard footsteps coming up from behind her. She could already tell who it was just from the pattern of steps against the hardwood floor. Her chest became heavy. Remy's attempt to escape failed once her hand hit the handle.


She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before she turned to meet eyes with Joe. Remy couldn't help but to fall in love all over again just from the sight of him. She didn't reply, so Joe took this as a sign to continue speaking. "Dinner was amazing."

She scoffed slightly before turning the handle to Cal's room. But Joe caught her sleeve. "Remona, wait."

She quickly tugged her arm away from his light grip. "Fuck off, Joe. Why did you even agree to come here?"

He sighed and scratched the back of his head. His eyes searched the floor for the right words. But Remy spoke again during his silence. "Why would you start that shit on Twitter? What exactly do you want from me, Joe? Because, at this point, I'm fucking clueless. And I'm fucking tired."

Her statement immediately earned a hostile reaction from Joe. "How the hell do you think I felt when I saw that? How do I know you're not banging the guy? Why were you even in public with him!?"

"We were grocery shopping! For fucks sake! You can even see us loading the fucking car! What? You just see a caption saying 'Come get your girl' and two pictures of us near eachother and automatically think we're fucking!? You're sick in the head Joe!" Remy argued back not knowing how loud she was being.

She could see Joe tense and clench his jaw, certain that he was holding back his anger. He clenched his fists tightly before releasing them and letting out an unsteady breath. "I came to say goodbye to you, Remona. One last time."

Remy suddenly felt her world falling apart. Even though she saw it coming, she never expected the time would come so soon. As tears formed in her eyes, her blood began to boil. "When you told me you loved me, was that even true?" She asked him under her breath.

Joe's eyes softened as he attempted to come closer. "Of course that was true Remona."

Remy shook her head and scoffed with a half smile. "Get the fuck out Joe."

"Rem..." He reached out for her hand but she quickly slapped it away.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Joe." She said calmly and slowly. She couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes. He didn't move an inch and this drove her crazy. Remy finally got to her breaking point when she started letting out tears of frustration.

Joe attempted to pull her in a hug, but she shoved him harshly before she started pushing him toward the front door. "Im fucking serious Joe! If were done, were done! Get the fuck out!"

She opened the door for him and as he stepped out he had a few last words to say.

"Rem, I-"

She slammed the door in his face before quickly retreating to Cal's room for comfort. She drowned herself in his feather pillows, so many thoughts running through her mind.

She wondered if her parents would forgive her. Or if her old friends even remembered her. Now that Joe was gone, her whole future in London was too.

There was a slight knock on the door.
"Remy?" A calm voice cooed.

"Go away Freezy." Remy mumbled into the pillow, but the door had opened anyway only to reveal the figure in the doorway wasn't actually him.

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