XV: Best Friends

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February 14th, 2018//

Remy was tempted to call Joe, but she was quick to stop herself. For Valentine's day, she was left by herself with a bowl of ice cream and the Jurassic Park series. Callux had came home first that night prematurely and went straight to his room without a sound. Remy didn't think anything of it, and so she fell asleep on the couch soon after.

February 21st, 2018//

It was now a week after Valentine's day. Remy was making herself a bowl of cereal listening to the chaos of filming between Calfreezy and Harry in the living room when she realized she hadn't seen or heard from Callux in a while. Within the past week she had seen him lugging around the flat without a word.

Due to his silence, she suspected something fishy. Once she had her cereal finished in hand, she made her way around the corner and continued down the hall to his room. She knocked lightly before taking a bite, but she didn't recieve an answer. Remy waited patiently before rolling her eyes and opening the door slowly.

Sure enough, Callux was sitting against the wall with pillows behind him and headphones in while his laptop laid in front of him. He glanced up, moved his fingers across the trackpad before removing a headphone off of his ear. "What's up?" He asked simply looking back at her.

Remy shrugged. "Why aren't you recording with them?" She questioned taking another bite, careful not to spill the milk.

"Uh..." He scratched his head. "I have loads of videos to edit."

Remy raised her eyebrows. "Sounds like you need an editor."

He let a petty laugh looking down at his screen. "Yeah."

"Well, this conversation is dead... Just like your channel." Remy sighed shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

He rolled his eyes, putting his headphones around his neck. "Well go on then. I might as well film an Insults Match with you. You know I would win so why don't you walk away while you can." Remy noticed he had taken her statement seriously.

"Take a joke, you geezer." Remy retaliated, she was about to leave before she poked her head back in. "Thank you by the way... You really didn't have to get me a new phone or jumper."

"Yeah whatever." He mumbled bringing his computer back on his lap. Remy rolled her eyes at him once again before exiting the room. She returned to her confortable spot in the kitchen where she was once again welcomed by screaming and yelling.

When Remy was nearly finished with her cereal, Calfreezy turned the camera towards her. "Rem, what do you think? Was that a point?"

Remy immediately turned away. "Jesus, Cal. I dont want to be in the video." Her mouth full of her last bite of cereal. "I wasn't paying attention anyhow."

"Alright, Alright." He put the camera down. "How did the meeting go by the way? I forgot to ask."

"It went well. I'm excited to film and photograph you guys. Getting money is also a plus. I can finally contribute to rent." Remy put her bowl and spoon in the sink before rinsing them off.

"You grocery shopping for us has saved our lives enough, Rem." Harry chimed in. "I'd rather you buy food and maybe just pay for utilities instead." He looked toward Cal for approval.

"Yeah, Rem. Don't worry about rent." Calfreezy agreed before turning around back to Harry. "Alright, let's wrap this up. Only a few more rounds."

"Have fun, you two." Remy mentioned before heading to Cal's room.

"We have practice tomorrow at 6! I'll add you to the group chat!" Calfreezy shouted to her before she could close the door. She let herself fall on the bed before pulling out her phone, that Callux had gifted her.

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