LV: Thank you and Sorry

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June 15th 2018//

Callum and Remy were the only ones awake at this time. The sun was barely peeking through the windows when Callum got back from his quest-- gaining two cold brew coffees from town. He had handed Remy the chilly plastic cup as he sunk into the seat next to her in the living area.

"Callum, I'm sorry." She frowned at him, coddling the cup with both of her hands.

"Mmm?" He hummed in response while taking a sip of his own coffee.

Remy bit her tongue and looked down at the cup before responding. "I don't like iced coffee."

"What? You told me to get you one." He answered confusingly after swallowing.

Remy let out an effortless chuckle, shaking her head. "Joking, Callum. I'm sorry for the way I handled all that... or how I handle... everything."

She wasn't meeting his eyes, it was a clear indication that she wasn't proud of her previous actions. "Remona." Callum rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way. He waited for her to look at him before he continued, a small smile appearing on her face. "Stop apologizing." He repeated her words.

"Well, Callum..." Remy sighed quickly. "Can you blame me? I hate portraying myself as a stuck-up bitch. Why can't I just defend myself without being aggressive?"

"Listen..." Callum started while leaning over to set his cup on the coffee table. "You have a voice and you aren't afraid to use it. Is it a bit much sometimes? Yes. But it's what makes you... you, Remona."

Remy gave him a blank annoyed stare before shaking her head. "Well, that doesn't help."

"Fuck offff." Callum whined, nudging her shoulder. "Not many people can stand up for themselves and I like how you're one of them who can." He watched as she took a sip of her coffee-- he pressed his lips together and let out a tiny huff. "Can I ask you something?"

Remy glanced at him and tilted her head. "Huh?"

"You haven't, like... used or anything recently, right?" Callum asked in a hesitant voice.

Remy furrowed her brows and sat up straight. "I'm sorry, what? Why would you think that?"

Callum scoffed to himself, hoping he didn't just start something he didn't intend to. "I know whenever you're having... tendencies, Rem. I hadn't seen you do it for a while until... you know." He shook his head after seeing that she was still giving him the same expression.  "I'm not saying that you have, at all. I just... want to make sure you're doing okay."

"I'm fine, Callum." She replied shortly, bringing the straw to her lips once again.

The conversation was dead right then. He didn't know what to say to that. Callum believed her as there were no signs of fresh wounds. He did have a question in mind. He bit his tongue and thought about it before speaking. "Why did you even start?" It came out harsher than he thought it would. "I mean you told me about, you know, the overdose and everything... but why? Or how did it even come to that?"

Remy turned her head towards him slowly and squinted her eyes. "Why are you asking all of these questions?"

Callum shrugged, taking in a long breath. "I-I dunno. I'm just trying to understand you, Rem." He looked down at their laps and began messing around with the fragile strings of her frayed jeans.

Remy rolled her eyes and moved her eyes away from him to the nearest window. "I've already told you about my past drug addiction, Callum."

Her words were stern like a mother's would be. Callum knew it was a touchy subject, but she had told him about the overdose when they weren't even that close. He figured she would be comfortable enough with him to go further in depth about it. "Okay." Was all he replied in a hush before lazily leaning his head on her shoulder, still messing about her jeans.

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