XXXI: Breaking Point

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March 11th, 2018//

Calfreezy woke up first in the dark morning, mostly because he needed to relieve his bladder. Despite being out so late and his brain still in scrambles, as he got up he noticed the two clear glasses that he had taken from the pub, laying near the TV. His face scrunched up in confusion before disregarding it and heading to the bathroom.

But once he finished and placed himself at the edge of the bed he stared at them a little longer. He glanced over at Remy was still peacefully asleep. He got to his feet and took a closer look at the glasses noticing the two identical glasses still had wine at the bottom brims. He squinted at Remy before shaking his head and curling back into the warm bed.

It was only until later that morning that Freezy had mentioned it to Remy in the cab as the group was on their way to lunch. "Hey Rem." He said quietly, but still was very audible to everyone else in the noiseless cab.

"Yeah?" She replied not looking up from her phone.

"Did you drink some of that wine last night?"

Her body froze and the hairs on her arms stood up almost immediately. In her peripheral, she could see Lux look up from his phone. She didn't know whether to tell the truth or just give a white lie. It was at this point she understood why Lux had lied about having food poisoning. To secure the privacy of Lux and their conversation last night, she chose the second option.

"Yeah, I had some." She said looking at Freezy next to her.

"Why did you use two glasses?"

She laughed lightly to herself before looking down at her phone once again to mask her terrrible acting. "I had one glass, then lost that one so I used the other. Turns out I just left it out on the balcony."

Lux slowly looked back down at his phone without a word and Remy's heart rate slowed down.


March 14th, 2018//

"Hey Rem, want anything to eat while we're out?" Remy looked up from her laptop and shook her head at Freezy before he lightly laughed. "Since when have you worn such ridiculous glasses?"

"Oh fuck off." Remy replied pushing them up on her face. "These are more comfortable than my contacts."

Freezy rolled his eyes playfully. "Anyways, good luck on your spread. Turning it in today, yeah?"

Remy nodded turning her attention back to the screen. "Thanks, Cal. Be safe, yeah?"

Calfreezy nodded as well before his body disappeared from the hallway. Remy sighed to herself as she put her head in her hands.

The group was now back in London. Today, Remy and Freeze had to return back to the pitch to film for Rebel. Today, Remy also has to turn in her spread. Thankfully, she changed her subject, but at the same time she pondered whether it was to risky to turn in. Not that it was a terrible topic, it's actually a wonderful spread. Embarassing, maybe?

She wasn't planning to show anyone except for Brave Bison and request that it won't show name credit on it, since it will be posted to the website.

"Did Harry and Cal already leave?" Lux entered the room with his hands holding a plate of breakfast and a fork.

Remy slowly pushed down her laptop lid to avoid suspicion and simply nodded at him.

He tilted his head and gave her a vacant look. Ever since the night at the hotel, Remy had been distant around him. He could feel the tension each time she was near. She would either give him one word answers or nothing at all.

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