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Aleia ran through the halls, pulling Auro behind her. He was laughing at her excitement. She giggled and glanced over her shoulder at him. But then, she ran right into Inanis' chest. He grunted as they collided. Each falling to the ground. Aleia fell on top of Auro.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed, laughing until she could hardly breathe.

"What in the world?" Inanis asked, laughing as he helped the pair to stand. "Why in such a hurry?"

"I have to go back to Vyoria," the girl explained, panting for breath. There's something there I have to find."

"Vyoria? Well . . . Spiris and I are required to attend the burial of our parents."

Aleia's expression changed. "Oh . . . Well, then I think it would be smart for us to go together. But I have to leave immediately."

Inanis nodded, "Then we are ready at your word."

Spiris appeared right then and said, "More than ready."

Aleia nodded and glanced at Auro.

"What say you, my prince?" she asked, offering a small smile.

"We leave within the hour," he replied, nodding.


"How are you feeling?" Aurora asked, seating herself beside Lumen in the dining hall.

"Better," he replied, shrugging. "Not without the feeling of loss, but I want to move forward from this . . ."

"And you shall. Lumen, the prince trusts you with his life. You are still his friend. Nothing can change that."

"I know. It's just difficult to say goodbye."

Lumen stood and was about to leave the dining hall. But then Aleia entered and looked around. Her gaze fell on him and she offered a gentle smile.

If you're up for it, I would appreciate your company.

The thought entered Lumen's head. It was Aleia's voice. Gentle and sweet, respectful. He walked towards to where she waited.

"Are you interested in an adventure?" the girl asked, her grin becoming that of someone about to commit mischief. "Auro and I, along with some others, are going to Vyoria. This is mostly for me, but it's an experience many do not have, thus I'm told."

Lumen found himself smiling and shaking his head.

"You call it an adventure," he said, crossing his arms. "What sort of adventure, may I ask?"

"We're not sure yet," she replied, sighing. "But I know it will be a great help in the coming battle. We don't have much time. We would have left already, but I wanted to extend the invitation. An outing might help . . . clear your mind."

Lumen was thoughtful. Clearing his mind would do some good.

"Lead the way," he motioned to the door. "I feel honored you would wish to have me join such a quest."

Aleia smiled and took Lumen by the arm. She led him out and through the hallways. And when they came to the grand foyer, the room that Auro had first brought Aleia through when they'd teleported from Earth. The prince was there, with him were Inanis, Spiris, and Kinasha. Auro wore a gentle smile as he watched Aleia bring Lumen forth. And then he looked at his friend. The smile softened and he extended his hand.

"I didn't know if you wanted to join us," he said as Aleia took his hand. "But I'm glad you are."

"Adventures in a graveyard?" Lumen asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Who wouldn't want to join?"

"Soile and Stratos," Aleia replied, shrugging. "Well, we'd best get going. Adventure waits for no one!"

She squeaked and bounced on her feet. Her brown hair swaying across her shoulders. Lumen chuckled as Auro pulled her to his side and gave her a squeeze. Inanis also laughed, shaking his head. Kinasha smiled, as did Spiris, as well. It was interesting how different they were now. Lumen had never seen such a change in anyone before. Other than his sister, but he was choosing to erase any such memories. He would only remember the good ones.


"I wish I could explain what I'm looking for," Aleia whispered; she and Auro were behind Lumen. Inanis, Kinasha, and Spiris had gone elsewhere. But they would rejoin later.

"We stop here," Auro announced, dropping his pack to the floor and whistling.

"What exactly are we doing?" Lumen asked, dropping to the ground.

"Aleia's familiar is ready to bond with her," he replied, going through the bag and pulling out a small piece of meat as Flayke came to rest on his shoulder.

"We're here to find him," Aleia finished, sitting Indian-style on the ground and closing her eyes. "It's a stirring I can't ignore."

In the darkness of her eyelids, she saw the eyes again. Only this time, they seemed to move further away. And now she could see what appeared to be hair. Thick, dark brown hair. And then, she gasped.

"What?" Auro became concerned when Aleia hadn't opened her eyes.

"A lion," she said, her voice was silky and barely audible. Breathy, gentle with awe. "Auro, it's a lion. At least, I think it's a lion. Are there lions in Anerathia?"

"I suppose . . . But a lion? I've never heard of a familiar being a lion."

"It's a lion. There's no mistake . . . He's coming to us. He's been waiting a long time."

There was snapping sound. Aleia opened her eyes and looked around. Both Auro and Lumen had also heard the sound. A soft growl rumbled through the trees. Aleia's gaze fell on a place where there was a path. And a pair of eyes watching her.

The eyes came closer. Slowly, the light revealed a large head. A golden-brown mane shook. And the beast came to a stop, just some feet away from the girl.

"Antesro," she whispered the name as if she'd been saying it her entire life.

Mistress, the beast lowered his great head and bowed.

The Queen's Host  [unedited version]Where stories live. Discover now