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The nearby forest was always thought to be the reason for everyone's doom and gloom. When weird stuff starts to happen, boom their thoughts lead straight back to the forest, so much so that it was named The Faceless Forest after countless instances where people would go missing and would be found without a face in the forest.

They had started a legend or even a prophecy some would say, it had kept even the oldest of people on their toes in fear. It all started when 2 friends got dared to go into the forest and cause havoc. Once they left a so-called entity had started to follow them everywhere they went.

That was the starting to something much more dangerous. Years later these entities became more solid and began to do horrid things to the village people, such as ripping off their faces.

People had started to hide in their homes fearing that they would be next. It was like an apocalyptic world, nobody liked to walk outside just for the fun of it, they did only if they had to.

What used to be a small happy village had turned into a place that only had despair. After 5 years the 'more than just spirits' had gone back to normal.

It was when an old librarian bought what was left of an old house and found the old folk legend and read it out loud when disaster struck once more ad the spirits that had only been roaming for years once again they had started the transformation to the physical realm.

Now back to today, the creatures have taken up the most physical form in decades and they won't stop at anything to hunt and kill people. The town has become a blazing mess of fire and destruction, grief and despair and terrified people afraid to go out of their own house.


It was a typical high school day in the village of Owlglass. Right before the last bell of the day an announcement was sent out all across the village, it was the mayor. He said, "I know it has been so many years since this has happened but I'm warning you, lock your doors cover the windows, it has begun."

The school went into panic mode. It was like a school shooter had just left the school and everyone was going crazy about how they just had a 'near death experience'.

Only a group of friends had some sense and decided to not panic, but find each other and try to plan out what do next. They had met up in the library and began looking for history books.

After hours of searching, they had found 3 books that might be helpful. When they opened the first book they found all sorts of mythical creatures. They flipped through it rather quickly and stopped on the second to last page, it read "The Faceless". "That must be what they're called," Emily said looking up from the book.

Emily, Zoey, Lilly, Zachery, Josh, and Ethan have been best friends since kindergarten. Emily had always been that nerd but seemed to be somewhat popular. The rest tagged along if they had never met Emily than they would have never become friends, she was their leader.

"So you're saying that these things can travel through electricity posts?" Ethan asked

"I guess," she says shrugging her shoulders.

Emily suddenly grabbed the book from Ethan, she started to actually read the pages. She gasped and handed the book back to Ethan.

"What's wrong?" Lilly asked, even though the answer to that question was on the page.

"The creatures, they track you down and eat your face off if you get in their way." Emily covered her mouth and rushed to the nearest bathroom.

When she came back it looked like she had just seen a ghost, her blonde hair had come out of her bun and her makeup had run all over her face.

"What happened?!" the rest of her friends yelled at her.

All Emily did was to sit up against a bookshelf and curl up in a ball, crying her eyes out as if she had just lost someone.

"Hey, you're going to be okay," Zoey said trying to soothe Emily.

"I saw one!" Emily blurted out, breaking out in tears once more.

"Oh no," Zach said almost throwing up himself.

In the next few hours, everyone in the building had gotten restless and had either decided to leave or to just sleep all day.

The group of friends was getting really restless, they had learned about a legend, that the creatures are starting an apocalypse and no matter what the friends couldn't stay another hour in the school or they would go crazy.

"Are you sure we should go right now," Zach asked, he always seemed to worry.

"I'm 100% sure that we should go now, wouldn't you rather go during the daylight hours," Emily said trying to reason with Zach.

"Fine, but I still don't think this is a good idea,"   

It was Emily who took the first step outside in hours, the direct sunlight had seemed super bright when they first walked out, but their eyes adjusted pretty quickly.

As they made their way to a local supermarket for a stock run, nothing out of the ordinary had happened until they were almost at the supermarket. The wind had picked up majorly and weird noises had started occurring.

When Ethan went to open the door the first creature appeared. Sure enough, it looked even worse than it id in the books. It had a ripped of face and a bloody torso, no legs just floating around, leaving a blood trail wherever they went.

"RUN!" Emily yelled as they scattered around the supermarket.

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